Poor Dollgoldi

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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ST Supporter
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Sep 8, 2014
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Kansas City, MO
First Dollgoldi I've ever bloomed so sad the flower didn't cooperate. Another bud developing and looks good.
I'll post the second flower when it's open.


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If anything, it's got nice golden yellow color with clean lines.
Some Dollgoldi I've seen had muddy dirty yellow. ;)
Hopefully the next bud will open up nicely. 🍀
You’re doing better than me. I have a nice clump that once again sent up several blind sheaths with no buds…congrats on even seeing a flower!
You’re doing better than me. I have a nice clump that once again sent up several blind sheaths with no buds…congrats on even seeing a flower!
I had two Dollgoldi. That's exactly how they were.
They grew like crazy forming a clump fast and nearly every single growth would send up a sheath. Those sheaths would never produce anything. I got rid of both plants.
I'll never buy one, again. Just enjoy the photos of others. :)