Phrag. Apple Pie

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
This spike, which has been growing since August, has finally rewarded me with a bloom. Many buds continue to develop.

The cross is Magdalene Rose 4N x besseae 'Paute'.
It is a little toothy, but I'm thrilled with the color!

With a name like apple pie, I was expecting a green flower.

So I was pleasently surprized to see a big red flower Heather.

Very nice:clap: :clap:
Rick said:
With a name like apple pie, I was expecting a green flower.

So I was pleasently surprized to see a big red flower Heather.

Very nice:clap: :clap:

I know! I don't really get the name, to tell you the truth, but it is a large flower. I haven't measured it but it seems to have grown more since I photographed it also.

This is the plant that has branching all up and down the spike also. In a month or so, I hope to have a spectacular multi-bloom plant!

Thanks for the nice comments. :)
Second bloom opened...

And the first bloom is still on the plant! Whoa ho!!!

Aside from the issues of polyploidy, I am really happy with this plant. For $18 you can't go wrong! Also, I finally found a way to fit it into my Phrag. growing area where it is not facing the wall, so now I can look at it better. :)


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