Phalaenopsis mentawaiensis

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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This newly described species (O. Gruss, Die Orchidee 65 (3) 2014, p. 238ff.) is a nice bloomer. To me, the differences to bellina/violacea are more clear as between bellina and violacea.
Between violacea and bellina, there are quite a lot manmade differences, while plants from the wild of both 'species' can be quite similar, one showing traits of the other (leaves, so-called 'bellina' - triangle, growth etc.).

Phal. mentawaiensis differs quite a lot because of the much longer inflorescenses and the greater gaps between the bracteae. Also, the flowers are a little bit different (and other minor differences).
This is backed by DNA-analysis, showing distinct differences between mentawaiensis and bellina/violacea, but no clear difference between bellina and violacea.



flower picture of another plant
I'm awaiting the flowers on my 2 plants, but buds are note quite ripe… I hope to see them in 2 weeks when I'll be back.

Nice slightly rounder one you have :)
I'm delighted to see this post..! I too had a Phal. violacea var. mentawai several years ago, managed to kill it, and haven't been able to find another. I'm getting better at looking after these guys now, have a Phal. violacea in bloom just now, but it lacks important aspects I see in your bloom at the top. May I ask where you got it? I'd love to buy another, as I love that delicate and intricate patterning in the bloom.
We can buy them rather easily in Europe… (we bought all the stock haha) ;)
Yes, it's quite easy to get them here in Europe.
Maybe you find some older plants with long (erect) inflorescences as Phal. violacea 'Mentawai- type' - which would probably be Phal. mentawaiensis.
I have 2, one is mentawaiensis, from Schwerter. The other still under scrutiny (too small), from Nardotto.

The second just flowered, soon in picture…