phal braceana

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
i got this plant from andy's orchids last fall/winter. it was going to have more flowers but the humidity was too low and the tip aborted. the red color of the lip is actually more intense in person. the flowers also had a nice fragrance (pics taken a few weeks ago)




i really like the chinese and himalayan phal species but i have a tough time giving them the right conditions growing under lights in my apartment. i may have to put them outside this fall to give them some good day/night temperature differentials so they don't slowly fade away like the last ones i had (they need a night rest to do well). harry at andy's orchids told me that they grow most of their small phals of this type in an 'outdoor' greenhouse of sorts; greenhouse structure with no walls but plastic roof, cools off at night, all are watered every evening and it gets into the 80˚'sF during the day, and they grow like crazy.
I like this one alot; the side-/ profile view is very interesting: does it represent the true colors?? what size are the flowers (ex. compared to lindenii)?? Jean
pretty close colors, bright olive-green with a raspberry suffusion, more in the mid-rib of each petal and sepal. the red color of the lip is actually darker and more intense in person; very vivid

i would say the flower size is comparable to a large lindenii flower
Nice!! How much light does it like and how cold do you keep it in the winter? I recently bought one and was thinking of growing it along with my Neofinetias :)
well, I haven't given it as cool in the winter or as sunny as it would like. it can handle 40'sF down in winter with good air movement and bright light. in summer it can handle pretty bright light and '80'sF with good air and then cool at night. i've been told that a good number of these chinese phals can get snow on them while they're flowering, and not affect the flowers at all. if you would really like to know how to grow them really well, give harry at andy's orchids in california a call, or ask al of al's orchid exchange in leesburg, virginia as he has several braceana and lots of seedlings so he must be doing well with them. I think quite warm days and pretty cool nights will make them very happy
Interesting flowers!!!! The surface of the petals looks kind of smoothy...!

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