Paphiopedilum Phillip's Song

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Kido, you did it! You made me log in while I was in Panama! color and form--very very nice! I even love the wavy edge of the dorsal...Tell me more about the plant size, parents, and source.
Great color on the petals and dorsal, it contrasts really nicely with the pouch. Good flower count and presentation as well, congrats!
That is just wonderful. The dorsal is a knockout. Very dark. Also love the long spirally petals. I have never heard of the cross, so I had to look it up - Hsinying Anita × philippinense.

Seems like dark dorsals might be common in this cross. Here is another nice clone.

Very, very nice one. The dark colouration and also the wavy edges of the dorsal, as Tom-DE mentioned, are the highlights.
Kido, you did it! You made me log in while I was in Panama! color and form--very very nice! I even love the wavy edge of the dorsal...Tell me more about the plant size, parents, and source.
I got it from fantasy orchids in Denver: not sure the origin from there as they are not big on multi florals. The plants fan gets about 2 feet across and has rounded leaves that are quite thick. 17052691439378234162699040220915.jpg
Seems like dark dorsals might be common in this cross. Here is another nice clone.
Not completely. I bought 3. Sold/gave one away. 2nd about to open. 3rd not there yet…. Very much hoping one is a keeper. (these are the same flower slightly different angle, but you can see the dorsal. ) but then this morning Maybe I did get a good one….(see further down)IMG_2329.jpegIMG_2330.jpegIMG_2587.jpeg
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What potting mix do you use and how do you care for it? As much as I like the flowers, that root system makes me envious! Multiflorals are so hit or miss for me that I feel like I'm over looking something important.