Paph thaianum now in the the USA

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Not really Chris.. I just want to see paphs in flask exportable from country to country for preservation in collections, free of political BS. Luckily there was no reason thaianum can not be exported.


Yes, you're right, Brett. But someone had to do this first step or US collections would have to wait some more years for the first thaianum.
I think the Thai government is practical & wise. This way things get preserved in nature, the country and the peoples make money as well.
In contrast, the vietnamese government is kind of silly/crazy, they have not permitted the export of their desireable paphs or flasks (like the thai). But sell tons of orchids very cheaply as herb to the chinese. I can not fathom the twisted logic of the action.
Very wise words Hien. I agree completely.

However, I dont now how much the Thai government really cares about conservation given the rampant pillaging of its and neighbouring countries forests for local markets. Well I cant see that changing any time soon.

I also wonder how some species are still said to be only of Vietnamese origin, like hangianum, when some very prominent Paph people have seen them growing in Southern Yunan.

I also see many wild collected Vietnamese orchids sold illegally in Thailand at markets (within Bangkok and other areas), yet the same plants can not be exported legally from Vietnam. Many of the same plants a week later I see on Ebay and often claiming to have certificates - which I doubt as I know the CITES folk here well enough and they are not stupid. We discussed the matter recently.

So......the thaianum's in people's collections in the US were actually legal??? Good news! It does seem that CITES issues are strictly with Vietnam. P. kovachii certainly made it to market fast enough...P. parnatanum seemed to have no problem being distributed...not that anyone wanted it.
Er.. Yeah thanks Tom

Not sure Eric. All I can say is that what I have sent is. I cant say how people got the previous plants. I guess if they came in and were properly inspected they would be.

The issue with the flask I sent was that it was "propagated plant material from propagated parent plants" and that allows the flask to come it. Flasks with wild parents are a no go.

Well the second thaianum flask is in the post and will arrive in 5 days. So we will soon see if there are any irregularities. I dont think there will be though.

Did I go overkill on the packing :rollhappy:

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Hi and thanks everyone.

Actually the people at Customs and PIS are generally great and fast with inspection. They only times I see things slow with them is holidays when they get backlogged with a skeleton staff.

The headache nearly always is USPS. The worst is when they fail to scan a package in and then it doesnt arrive in Customs.

I once had to call Customs, and they had to call USPS before USPS would actually go look for a box that was not scanned in, which was labelled as the one in the photo, and was just sitting on a shelf. I dont understand the attitude. They also wont act for a customs until the shipping country post office makes an inquiry. With EMS post, thats not until after 5 working days. So you can see why USPS is frustrating. Their attitude toward providing a servive is not good and once becoming of a postal provider.

You'd be suprised at the hassles I have had with them over the years. Thats why I only use EMS mail as I can track it and have gotten to know some of the upper staff at USDA, PIS and Express Mail within USPS (who know more about what they are doing).
The box is in NY at Customs already.. Wow... Thailand post is getting fast getting to NY lately. Fingers crossed now its all good

So it seems the glaring stickers worked. Either that or someone at USPS is watch this thread haha..
Yeah, maybe I shouldnt pull a joke on the acronym. They are very very helpful at PIS, and at USDA. Never had a problem and I find them helpful. No joke.

USPS, well.. They are why I use EMS and track packages carefully, and note where it is each step of the way.

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