Paph Pink Sky

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Nov 29, 2008
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Bloomington, MN
Paph Pink Sky was registered in 1995 as (Lady Isabel x delenatii) by O. Viengkhou. Lady Isabel is (rothschildianum x stonei) which was registered in 1897. The picture below came from a remake of the cross by Orchids Limited, done as the reverse cross (delenatii x Lady Isabel ‘Princess Irene’).

Others can speculate on the difference it might make to have delanatii be the seed parent instead of the pollen parent. In the following link, Robert Jan-Quene (Drorchid) posted in Slippertalk 3/06/2009 about new Pink Sky crosses by Orchids Limited:

I can’t be sure if my plant came from the same cross that Robert posted, but I have had this plant for a handful of years. It has bloomed about every other year for me. It had a little fight with mealybugs a year ago which slowed it down, but now it seems to be picking up.

It is a fairly compact plant for me. The NS (horizontal) of the petals is 15 cm. The color is darker than I have had before, with the stripes on the dorsal more distinct. This may relate to the spike developing during the “winter” period in my indoor plant room during which day length is 11 hours and the temperature is a maximum of 70 degrees F day and nights are 55 degrees F. During this period I water less frequently with low concentration of fertilizer. This hybrid blooms for months without much change in coloration.

Probably the most famous delenatii x (polyantha division) cross was Delrosi, registered in 1961 as (delantii x rothschildianum) but this cross seemed to give many growers fits trying to bloom. Delanatii was also crossed with other polyantha Paph. species but they don’t seem to have become widespread. Maybe they are also difficult to grow.

Robert’s post reflects the hope that newer generation rothschildianum (or other primary polyantha crosses like Lady Isabel) would create faster growing and blooming hybrids when paired with parvisepalum species. However, I have not seen many delenatii x polyantha crosses posted on Slippertalk.
All of them are very nice!!!

I have three, and one bloomed in the summer with washed out color and a bad form. lol

I have a bunch of Delrosi, none have flowered although that are growing like cabbage! lol

I believe most people get tired and annoyed after a while as this kind of hybrids won't flower well.
I've seen these similar hybrids made with multis other than Roth. Some are good but none beats the ones made with Roth if seems. At least my opinion.
And they all seem to have lots of issues, deformed flowers including flowers opening at the "neck" if they bloom at all ever, or bloom like twice in one's life time. lol
Eric, if you have (Lady Isabel x niveum), I was fortunate to be the first to bloom that Orchids Limited cross back in 2009 and they registered it as Eclair Blanc. Mine was a very nice plant with great flowers.

When I bloomed the Eclair Blanc pretty easily, I was only a year or so into growing Paphs and I thought that the (polyantha x parvisepilum) crosses would be a focus for me and I bought some other crosses. Then, the Eclair Blanc died and my division of a nice Dollgoldii from Orchids Limited made many growths but never bloomed and had rot troubles. I got humble fast. I also have a (Michael Koopowitz x armeniacum) cross from Orchids Limited and I haven't bloomed that either.

I now feel fortunate if anything (polyantha x parvisepilum) blooms for me!

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What a bummer! Don't you hate it when something you like comes down with rot and died suddenly?

Was it similar to Woluwense??

See, because of all the things I read and heard about these hybrids, I was not going to get them, but they can be so nice when good.

I am now loaded with with a while bunch of them, and only one has flowered for me and it wasn't good. lol

All my Delrosi have sheaths but won't do anything with them.
Now my Wolunwense is making a sheath. I am trying to keep my expectation low. lol

Harold Koopowitz and (Bel Royal x armeniacum) are growing well but with these rusty brown spots. Close to trash bins. lol

Now I'm thinking to myself, do I really want to get myself a flask of WCM x Roth?

I wish there were GMO versions of these with easy flowering traits!!
The Eclair Blanc was very like Woluwense, although from a biased point of view we thought it was maybe prettier. I might have posted the Eclair Blanc and will see if I can find it.

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I am now loaded with with a while bunch of them, and only one has flowered for me and it wasn't good. lol

Similar story here....:rollhappy: Only a few bloomed... Some were very beautiful and some were ugly... And most are doing nothing but chlorophyll cells. And I just bought a flask of roth x thaianum....:eek::eek:
wishful thinking!
Or better Woluwense! haha
I thought about getting that flask earlier this year, too, but yeah, I wasn't sure about the blooming part, and I already have tons of roth x parvi/brachy hybrids that won't bloom but keep on getting bigger.

Keep us posted and wish your seedlings will give you some that flower early on for you.
Or better Woluwense! haha
If they are easy to bloom, they will be better than a non-blooming Wolu!

I thought about getting that flask earlier this year, too, but yeah, I wasn't sure about the blooming part, and I already have tons of roth x parvi/brachy hybrids that won't bloom but keep on getting bigger.

Keep us posted and wish your seedlings will give you some that flower early on for you.

I hope so.... Since there are many plantlets maybe a few or them will bloom someday for me?:eek::eek: I realize I love to grow plants that are difficult to bloom. I oftent sell the easy bloomer... Shame on me!