Paph Lady Macbeth

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Paph Lady Macbeth is Paph Maude x Paph Macabre. I liked this one as it has more of the look of a species as it does a hybrid. I take no credit for it, as I just bought it. I liked it, despite the flawed pouch and bought it with the hope that it will bloom out better the next time around. I really like the coloring around the rim of the pouch!



The side view hides the flaw in the pouch. :rollhappy:


Thanks for looking!
Hmm, looks like Hawaii Wings, not Lady Macbeth, to me. Based both on the flower and leaves.

It certainly isn't a Macabre hybrid. And Paph Mod Maude (the other parent) is effectively Maudiae. There ain't none of either in this hybrid. Sorry...

What it does have is a lot of appletonianum (/hainanense/wolterianum, whatever).

I do like it, though. I love appletonianum hybrids.
Ernie and Rob,

You both may be onto something. :D

I bought this plant because it reminded me of appletonianum, which is one of my favorite species.

The greenhouse where I bought it also had a bunch of Hawaii Wings for sale. None were in bloom. I have a good feeling that this plant may have been mislabeled.

Don't be sorry! I'm happy. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

What is the cross for Hawaii Wings? Is it a primary?
