Paph Freckles 'White Sapphire' HCC/AOS

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Beautiful, and very well grown. And nicely photographed. Thanks for sharing.

I just saw Marilyn Ledoux's division of this plant in bloom. I agree with Tom Kalina, this is likely the very best clone from that grex. I have "Pink Agate" and while it is nice, it is not as full or as beautiful as this one.
wow it is gorgeous! i don't grow complexes now but the whites are my favorite and i plan to start collecting them in the future. although it's an older cross, Freckles is easily my favorite white.
This plant bloomed again this year on relatively small growths due to my unfortunate attempts to give it too much light. Two spikes, but only one bloom per spike. They've been open for about a week:

Please post another pic after the flowers turn white. That is an awesome Freckles clone i need to add to my collection!
I'll be sure to post pics as these blooms fade to white.

I got this plant as a single growth in bud about 5 years ago from Woodstream Orchids at the Paph Forum in DC.

I had an unfortunate few months where my plants were way too close to an HID setup (I grow indoors). I only realized it once leaves started bleaching. My whole collection is now about 18" below two T5s. I bought a 4-bulb setup, but I underestimated just how strong those bulbs are.

7 weeks later and the blooms have cleared up to a nice speckled white:


It's the Freckles time of year. The blooming growths are bigger and stronger this year so bloom quality is better than 2 years ago.

Does anyone know the history of this Grex or know of an article or book that goes into detail on its creation?

There is one more bud on this spike and one more spike with a single bud.


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