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Chico (..... the clown)
Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sandton, South Africa
Does anyone have a way of getting rid of oxalis? From pots it is not too difficult, just repot the plant, paying close attention to plucking all the oxalis out from between the growths and roots. But how do you get rid of it from a basket, short of destroying the plant and its container?
New one for me - what is it? A type of fungus?
No, it's a weed kind of like clover that gets small flowers that develope into seed pods. When the pods are ripe they split open and spray the seeds everywhere. If you're in a quit spot when it happens you can hear the seeds hitting things a fair distance away.
There are hundreds of Oxalis - alone in southern Africa - and some of them are difficult to erradicate. If you mean those that make tubers and/or bulbs, there is no other way than repotting and getting rid of EVERY little piece; wash the roots and look again for any left.
The little ones, without tubers but lots of seeds - well, if you can't beat them, join them. I have them in some baskets and after a few year I like them. Nothing to do, as far as I know.
Learn to pull the oxalis with one hand.
Grasp the plants close to the base and giggle as you slowly pull. If you get good at it the roots come out.

Keep a glass of wine or bottle of beer in the other hand and enjoy the sport.
with genera like cattleys I have used roundup very weakly at about 20ml to 100 litres with fertilizer, gets rid of oxalis and the catts dont seem to mind, even the ones in spag.

I would not recommend that for paphs & phrags though.
I've heard that tiny drops of Round-up, using an eyedropper, can work. I find oxalis more of a pain with my cacti. The spines get in the way, so I can't pull it up....and Oxalis is very drought tolerant. Even several months without water won't kill it.
I am busy with my seasonal re-pot (I generally re-pot every second year, and do half the collection at a time). This year I have decided to do my whole collection in an attempt to get rid of the oxalis once and for all. About 5 years ago there was non of it, but then I brought home a raffle plant in a basket that was full of oxalis. As much as I tried to pluck the oxalis out from between the growths, I could not, and over the next couple of years it spread to nearly all my baskets, and from there it was just gravity to the benches below:(
I follow the 'Gonewild' method religiously, but I am slowly drowning in wine and the oxalis has got me beat! It is the source in the hanging baskets that I need to eradicate. I will try selective and careful paintbrush Ridder.
Oxalis in South Africa has adapted to the climate and conditions by developing bulbs. To just pull it out will thus not work, since some of the bulbs are so small one cant even see it.

Removing the current substrate and rising the roots will be the best option I think.
Gary, I know the type of Oxalis you are having issues with. It has yellow flowers and long tap roots, not little bulbs....and it spreads like crazy by seed. Hint: when you use a bit of Round-up, don't use it as a liquid. You WILL lose a drop onto the roots of your orchid and that will be death to the plant. First of all, repot and pull those tap roots as much as you can. Then, when the Oxalis begins to come back, Mix a tiny amount of the Round-up concentrate with some thick, heavy yogurt or warm, smooth peanut butter, etc. You want to make a nice, smooth "non-drip" paste. That way, you will not have any accidental drops getting onto your orchids as you work. Don't forget that you don't need to paint every leaf, just one or two on a plant with suckers and runners, will do the job. The poison travels down the stem to the tap root and kills it. Repeat applications to the same pots, as more Oxalis grows, will be necessary until all the seeds that lie dormant on the surface of your pots has germinated and been treated.
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good luck this bastard turned into cold resistent here too, you cannot kill it only by hand and round up....
I feel with you, nearly every cyp pot it is in....
Back from work, repot another 50 or so paphs, then I indulged in the 'Lance Method', a cold glass of white wine and wiggle them oxalis!
The reality is that the repotting will remove 90%, but unless I attend to all the 'shadecloth plants', it will all have been a waste of time. I guess I am going to have to use the 'JohnM' method and put the oxalis on a diet of poisoned peanut butter:)
I just pull it as I see it. I used Round up,but it always found a way back into the GH somehow. All that work with a q-tip to only see it again a month or two later. I assume the seeds from outside are finding their way through the Swamp Cooler. They may even be in the mix I buy from OFE for all I know. At least you only have Oxalis. I have ferns that like to pop up from time to time also.lol!
I eat it. Yummy

Be careful; some of the oxalis family (or all, not sure) have oxalates, or oxalis acid. I believe it is somewhat persistent in the human body, and not for doing good... Other tasty greens in North America also have oxalates in small quantities (like lambs-quarters) so you have to be careful what and how much of some things you eat
I'd be happy if someone were able to confirm or clarify this a bit as most of this was told to me over time by different people

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Oxalic acid leads to bone loss. Don't know if it has other negative effects, but this alone is a big one for me.

We have tons of it outside, but so far, I've avoided pot infestations.
with genera like cattleys I have used roundup very weakly at about 20ml to 100 litres with fertilizer, gets rid of oxalis and the catts dont seem to mind, even the ones in spag.

I would not recommend that for paphs & phrags though.

Talk about "Playing with Fire"!!! I would NEVER, EVER spray any plant that I wanted to keep alive with a herbicide, no matter how diluted, period.