Odontioda Gleniffer

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Wow great shape and markings! Looks like an FCC flower! Maybe RHS should take a look!
Thank you, yes I will put it up for judging next year I think. A couple of my friends who breed a lot of Odonts have been very complimentary about it. So fingers crossed.
Wow, what a beauty ! Congrats to make the cross and grow it.
Thank you, I have a lot of my own hybrids coming through now. I have another which should flower in about 2 months, I need to decide on a name. The others are at various stages, from protocorms up to established seedlings. The good thing about Odonts is they flower 2 years out of flask, so about 5 years total from pollination to flowering.
stunning flower.
Would love to hear how you grow them with paphs/phrags.
I grow them cold, I pick the paphs most suitable to the environment, so micranthum,armeniacum, malipoense etc. But also a couple of kolosands, an Iantha stage (multigrowth) and the phrags, the beassea hybrids do okay, but I have a Paul Eugene Conroy out there and it's struggling a bit. I have high air flow with a good sized fan, with a bit of shading, even in winter.
Good luck with this clone. Always interesting to hear about the cultural techniques of different people. The EYOF has set a high bar for odontoglossum awards but I think this one may have a chance.
I grow them cold, I pick the paphs most suitable to the environment, so micranthum,armeniacum, malipoense etc. But also a couple of kolosands, an Iantha stage (multigrowth) and the phrags, the beassea hybrids do okay, but I have a Paul Eugene Conroy out there and it's struggling a bit. I have high air flow with a good sized fan, with a bit of shading, even in winter.
What is the minimum of your "cold" temperature?
The coldest its been down to was about 6C, so far this winter 8.3C, generally its around 9 to 10C.
I'm interested in how the Phrags tolerate the cold.
How long are you plants exposed to the low? A few hours at night or that cold during the day?
At 6° did you see any serious cold damage?

Btw you can Odont is spectactular
I'm interested in how the Phrags tolerate the cold.
How long are you plants exposed to the low? A few hours at night or that cold during the day?
At 6° did you see any serious cold damage?

Btw you can Odont is spectactular
Thank you. They are around 10C all night, so in Scotland, in winter its around 16 to 18 hrs. It only went down to 6C for a couple of hours as a one off, I left the greenhouse door open in November a few years ago. There was no cold damage on anything. I also grow Cattleyas out there too, and I think they are meant to be quite warm growing.
I am impressed with your plant! It is very pretty.
What makes this so pretty is the uniformity of the markings. Red on white is gorgeous but when you look at that one inflorescence, every flower is pretty much marked the same.
Thank you. They are around 10C all night, so in Scotland, in winter its around 16 to 18 hrs. It only went down to 6C for a couple of hours as a one off, I left the greenhouse door open in November a few years ago. There was no cold damage on anything. I also grow Cattleyas out there too, and I think they are meant to be quite warm growing.
Thanks, exactly what I wanted to know.
Another temperature question for you Odonts. What are the temperature highs in summer?
I try to keep it around the 25C mark at most, I have the shading on the outside of the greenhouse. It peaks occasionally at 30C but this is rare, usually error on my part if I have left the door shut, usually in early June when it's too cold to leave the door open all night but the sun is strong. In Sctland in June the sun rises around 3am so by 7am when I get up it can be very warm in the greenhouse, plus as I am on the east coast the sunlight can be very intense, the prevailing wind comes from the west, the rain falls on the mountains leaving the sky above me very clear. But the light intensity is good for the new growths and flowers.