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This evening, I'm not going to try to pick out whole albums... I'm just going to put my player on shuffle and record the list. I'm guessing it will give a more accurate representation of what I'm listening to....

currently up:

Afghan Whigs - Be Sweet (from Gentlemen)
Peter Gabriel - In your Eyes (from So. Thats a little embarassing).
Wilco - Kamera (from Yankee Hotel Foxtrot)
Dramarama - Emerald City
Mozart - Che Soave Zeffiretto (aka "letters aria" from Le Nozza)
Looper - Columbo's Car
Prokofiev - Romance (from Alexander Nevsky)
Over the Rhine - Bothered
Jimi Hendrix - Bold as Love
Toad the Wet Sprocket - I think about (from Pale)
PJ Harvey - This is Love
BB King - Lucille
Big Head Todd and the Monsters - Poor Miss (From Strategem, These guys are local, but I'm assuming that they're popular enough now that you've heard of them)
Flaming Lips - OK I'll Admit that I don't really understand (from Zaireeka, mixed)
The Cure - Just like heaven

This will get too long if I just let it go. There will be other nights, I guess :)

- Matt
If Peter Gabriel's 'In Your Eyes' is wrong, I don't want to be right.

And Toad the Wet Sprocket is the greatest band of Generation X. Challenge it, I defy you.
Toad the Wet Sprocket are getting back together this summer and playing a few dates on the West Coast. I wish I could make it to one....

I saw the Flaming Lips in Portland with Looper opening (the singer/bassist in Looper is in Belle and Sebastian). It was awesome, and they handed out radio-headphones at the door to improve their live sound. Weird, but cool :)

gore42 said:
Toad the Wet Sprocket are getting back together this summer and playing a few dates on the West Coast. I wish I could make it to one....

SHUT UP! I am looking right now.
That's fantastic. I've never heard of them before, but I can't but respect them now. (EDIT: Sorry, I was looking at the thread through the 'hybrid' view, and got confused. This appeared, for me, right after the Gnarls Barkley videos were posted . . . which I see now was some time ago)

I'm listening to NPR, but I had (prior to listening to Gnarls) "Love Love Love" by the Mountain Goats going through my head.

Partial lyrics:

king saul fell on his sword when it all went wrong,
and joseph's brothers sold him down the river for a song,
and sonny liston rubbed some tiger balm into his glove.
some things you do for money and some you do for love love love.

raskolnikov felt sick but he couldn't say why
when he saw his face reflected in his victim's twinkling eye.
some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun,
but the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one.
Interpol "PDA"
Howling Wolf "Howling for My Baby"
Nina Simone "My Father"
Guided by Voices "Factory of Raw Essentials"
Stereolab "Doubt"
Elliott Smith "Speed Trials"
Magnetic Fields "The One You Really Love"
Calexico "Chach"
Frank Sinatra "In the Wee Small Hours"
Hadyn Concerto No 2 played by Jacqueline DuPre
Le Tigre "Friendship Station" (Nothing hotter than women who rock)

And Michael Jackson? I don't know how that got in there. Weird.
Just found out someone made a video for one of my favorite songs, Whatsername, from one of my favorite albums: Dean Gray's American Edit. Check it out!

Also count me as three more votes for the Magnetic Fields. There's only one of me, but I love Stephin Merritt three times more than a normal person ought to.
tien... I'm right there with just about everything on your list, except for Magnetic Fields. Never heard of them, somehow. Fixing that now :) And I'm curious what concerto the Haydn was (for which instrument, I mean).

I haven't heard GBV since I lived in Ohio (grad school). They were one of those bands that I never managed to get into.... despite the fact that I think most of their songs are pretty catchy and I generally like them.

- Matt
gore42 said:
And I'm curious what concerto the Haydn was (for which instrument, I mean).

Cello... J. DuPre is/was an excellent cellist. Really. She's fantastic.