NOID paph from Trader Joe's

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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photo below. any idea of the genus/species?



:) You already know the Genus - Paphiopedilum, which is all you can be certain of.
WELCOME Ken! Well we know you have a paph, tell us more about yourself.
As indicated it's a paph hybrid, an album Maudiae type, which is rather common. The bottomline is you must of liked it, you bought it, so give it any name you like!
Welcome, Ken.

As you can probably tell from the above posts, it's nearly impossible to know what a hybrid is once it's beyond primary. I suspect most, if not all, of us have at least one NOID orchid that we keep just because we like it.
so true

the noid paph hybrid cost all of $7.99 there at Trader Joe's in Santa Rosa. I actually KNOW the genus is paphilopedium but was so concerned with how to download a photo I wasn't thinking.

That cheapo noid put out two beautiful flowers and they lasted about 1 1/2 months so I definitely got my money's worth.

I have about 100 orchid plants growing in a 4x4x8 grow room designed for pot growing with a 400W HID lamp, a fan going 24/7 and a great little humidifier I picked up for a song from the GermGuardian website. It keeps the growroom at about 55-65% relative humidity and the light keeps the daytime temps at 75 degrees. Nighttime temps here in Mendocino, CA drop to about 55-65.

A couple photos follow:
Nice! I've wanted to enclose my grow area for so long now...but I moved south and found out I can't even close the door to the Room they're in without cooking things, much less enclose the area for better humidity! So I am now jealous of Canadians, people with basements, and those with spouses who will allow the AC to be set lower than 80degrees on summer days LOL Welcome to slippertalk!

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