New Flask from Chuck Acker

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2016
Reaction score
I received two new flasks from Chuck Acker today. Paph concolor album and Phrag caudatum var giganteum, both are healthy and amazing. Can't wait to watch them develop. Every time he comes out with a new flask list I'm like a kid in a candy store, I told him he may be the death of me.
I have not previously purchased any manzurli's from Chuck, but I do have an order for a flask of Hanne Popow 'White' x manzurli 'Waunakee'. Todate I have ordered literally dozens of flasks from Chuck and my mortality rate is less than 10%. I currently have about Phrag 350 seedlings individually potted, 32 Paph seedlings individually potted and 4 large community pots (about 100-120 babies) all from chuck. I also have about about an additional 500 seedlings from Peruflora, Orchid Inn, Orchid Trading and Woodstream and all are good sources and I can recommend them completely. I love raising babies but they take work and I have spent years learning. My first flasks were disasters but that was my fault. If you are just beginning to buy flasks, purchased from reputable vendors and begin with a hardy species or cross, and do not spend a lot. Take time to learn and you will be rewarded with an amazing collection.
I love Chuck Acker. The experience I had buying from him was the absolute best I have ever had with any on-line seller! I think, as a total newbie interested in growing, I would start with compots. I think that is where a beginner should start.
I have ordered several flasks from Chuck and bloomed out a lot. I had problems with the manzurii and thought you had gotten one from him too.