New babies (Paph. tigrinum)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
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I received these yesterday. The box looked as if the guys at DHL played football (or soccer if you call it that :)) with it during their lunch break. The seedlings were terribly jumbled inside the flask, a mess of leaves, roots and agar. I cleaned them thoroughly and luckily it seems that they weren't damaged aside from a few broken roots. I spent some time reading tigrinum threads on this forum and apparently they are tricky to grow from flask, but I wanted to give it a shot. I added a mycorrhiza product to the mix since that is supposed to helpful with this species. If anyone has experience or tips for growing Paph. tigrinum from flask, I would be grateful. Wish me luck. :)

I have not raised any species from flask, only hybrids. But the four or so I have are doing amazing and really require little to no extra care. I keep my compots in a terrarium where they get misted every other day at least. Under T-5's for about 12 hours a day.
If they are from Holger Perner your success rate should be relatively good. Other flask suppliers sell them way too early and roots are too small. In my experience anyway.
They look well developed though? But Hengduan is probably (the only?) reliable source for those flasklings.
Yes, they are from the Perners/Hengduan.

IIRC, you got some from them as well, Bjorn? How are they doing?
Quite ok, have got from them at several occasions. A bit slow growing recently, but I am happy with their survival rate. The last ones came one year ago and were a bit on the small side. The biggest I have get close to flowering now.
I'm still waiting for my tigers to arrive. What is the mycorrhiza product that you have applied?
I selfed a tigrinum and it was ready to replate after 2 months. They grow fast and are very easy. Treat them as epiphytes and you won't have problems.
Thank you for the comments! :)

Quite ok, have got from them at several occasions. A bit slow growing recently, but I am happy with their survival rate. The last ones came one year ago and were a bit on the small side. The biggest I have get close to flowering now.

I selfed a tigrinum and it was ready to replate after 2 months. They grow fast and are very easy. Treat them as epiphytes and you won't have problems.

That is encouraging to hear. I hope mine will do well. My big tigrinum just blasted its first bud so these seedlings better not disappoint me, too! They do look really healthy considering the box took a beating during shipping. I thought about treating them as epiphytes, but small seedlings should probably get a little more water than adult plants, no?

I'm still waiting for my tigers to arrive. What is the mycorrhiza product that you have applied?

Fingers crossed that you get yours soon. The product I used is called INOQ.
Quite ok, have got from them at several occasions. A bit slow growing recently, but I am happy with their survival rate. The last ones came one year ago and were a bit on the small side. The biggest I have get close to flowering now.
Man, when I visit your greenhouse you are going to be in trouble! :p
Thank you for the comments! :)

That is encouraging to hear. I hope mine will do well. My big tigrinum just blasted its first bud so these seedlings better not disappoint me, too! They do look really healthy considering the box took a beating during shipping. I thought about treating them as epiphytes, but small seedlings should probably get a little more water than adult plants, no?.

When I say treat as epiphytes, I mean when you think they probably need water, hold off for one or 2 more days. They seem to go off their roots if kept moist all the time.
I am not sure about new seedlings but I agree mature P. tigrinum like to dry out slightly between watering. Also, based on my experience with this species, even a small amount of water trapped in the flower sheath will cause bud blast, so be careful with watering and make sure it dries out quickly.