My Phrag collection

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Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
First time I have done this exercise, prompted bysome recent seedling acquisitions from OL.
I was surprised to see so many from the EYOF.
besseae 'elizabeth' EY00407

Beauport 'party popper' EY7695
Cardinale 'wilcox'
Don Wimber 'remembrance' EY00417
Fritz Schomburg pale EY seedling
Fritz Schomburg 3n 3 plants OL breeding
Jason Fischer 4n OL
Jersey 'lauren' 3n EY 14193
Grouville 4n EY13393
La Vingtaine EY seedling
Mem Dick Clements
Mem Mariza Rolando EY seedling 3 or 4n
La Hougette 3n (dallesandroi x beauport 4n) 4 plants EYOF
Red Wing 3n OL
Robert Jan Quene 3n OL
Rosy glow? Nice pink flower. Not the label (Robert c Silich)
Suzanne Decker 3n

Not many as I grow indoors.
I will be gradually selling off the bigger stuff, la hougette grows too big for me.

Some extremly nice plants there, yes i do agree they get rather large dont they.

Some great hybrids that don't often come around.
Three more seedlings

I was surfing the web and found a brand new UK seller with a great website.
'Elite orchids'. Some great photos and easily navigable. What a new generation orchid website should look like.
Anyway he has seedlings from Peruflora of the Phrag cross Fritz Schomburg x Peruflora's Cirilca Alda, so that was an easy buy.
If the cross is correct and the genetic lottery falls my way there could be some huge reds in this, or maybe small purples. It will be fun to see,

You have a tiny collection but really amazing plants. Especially since the EYOF plants probably have increased ploidy and were probably made with Jersey instead of bessseae. Thanks for sharing.
The collection

Eric, you are probably right. The Don Wimber has quite downswept petals that makes me think it isn't made with 100% besseae.
The OL plants are all seedlings and as they grow I will have to get rid of some of the older stuff. Ebay beckons...
Infant seem to find elite orchids online except for an American site that's no longer, running.

Your donwimber could have been made with dalessandroi as a lot where made when delessandroi was not officially a species in its own right. But after looking it up on the Kew monitor list dalessandroi is one a sub species of besseae again
Indoor culture

Abax- there is much to recommend windowsill culture over greenhouse culture!
Yes we cannot provide very high humidity and light levels but everything else is possible and hybrid phrags are generally easy and quick growers and quite adaptable.
With rain water + rainmix feed + growstones + a mossy mulch the growth of the plants is excellent.
The light in winter is provided by a large west facing window and they go out onto the patio for their summer break.
Plus it is easier to keep the foliage pristine indoors as you do not have the stresses caused by temperature and light extremes found in a greenhouse.
The only problem for me is lack of space!
This is why I have a 'tiny' (compared to Eric) collection and am looking for plants that do not get too big,
With the new LED lighting thats becoming available I think windowsill and general in house growing is becoming better and better.

I am a windowsill grower, and while I also cannot provide the perfect temperature, light and humidity, I have found using heatmats, combined with semi hydronic culture to be very effective as I can now get great root growth in cooler conditions.

I would love to have a greenhouse or a conservatory one day but until I finish my PhD and really settle down, the windowsill culture will do just fine.
Windowsill culture

I am growing my new Phrag seedlings under a cheap eBay set of T5 lights and they are doing very well. They receive a 16 hour day and I am really happy with the growth rates. If I used a heat mat as well they may grow even quicker but they are doing very well without one at basic house temperatures.
Phrags will grow nicely at quite cool temps. My mostly besseae hybrids do fine and spend all winter between 10 and 16 degrees.
They are growing in a basic semi hydro setting with very low rate feed at every watering. I add growstones to the tray they sit in ( in water) and I think this leaches out some mg or si or ca and helps keep them green.
The final improvement was a top dressing of moss. This again boosts growth, both leaf and root.
I have focused on Phrags largely because they respond well to the conditions. Mine also get down to those temperatures, which in my case will slowly kill most warm growing paphs.

It would be nice to see a photo of your set up.
New acquisitions


A couple of exciting new phrags this week.

The bigger one is Don Wimber 4n ‘EYOF’ and is a well travelled plant.
The ebayer who sold me it tells me it went to Orchids limited from the EYOF and then he bought it from them a few years ago so it came back across the pond.
I don’t have a photo of the flowers but OL have one on their web site with a very similar description. If it is anything like that one I’ll be very happy.
The smaller one is a Peruflora seedling and second generation kovachii seedling- kovachii x Eumelia Arias so it is 75% kovachii.

