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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2006
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Indeed a real person... :rollhappy:
Here is an apocryphal story from my first year teaching at my school. I was talking to another new teacher who had transferred from a neighboring school, one that (at the time) had the largest population of immigrant students. He told me about a student of his, Vietnamese, I believe, who had the name Phuk Yew. He was there for a few days, then disappeared. He showed up again a month or so later with a legal name change.
Back when travelling internationally, I had an employee in Hong Kong, named Stanley Fu. It is common (was?) for Chinese to take on an English first name, in the former British colony. His full Chinese name (surname always first) is Fu Chi Kuan. He loved coming to this country and signing guest books as "Fu C K".
It makes me wonder if our names sound funny in different languages.:eek:
I'm sure it's worse than just "funny sounding".

When I was doing business in China (30 years ago, when westerners were still uncommon, especially in rural areas), my local reps made me a phonetic "chop" for me to stamp on my business cards so that folks could more-or-less pronounce my last name, "Barkalow". I think it comes out something like "Buck-ah-row":
