Man it is cold!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

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When I woke up this morning the thermometer said 20 below 0, and that is in Fahrenheit! for all you Celsius people, that is almost - 30 C! The windchill was 40 below (at that point Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same).

To make things worse when I was driving to work I must have hit a Ice spot when I was on the on ramp to the Freeway and I did a 360 degree spin. It sure was scary, but luckily I did not hit any other car, I did hit a snow bank, and found out (when I was at work) that I had a flat tire, but luckily no damage to the car.

I'm glad that you're okay, Robert. So how do you fix a flat in 20 below weather?
I'm glad that you're okay, Robert. So how do you fix a flat in 20 below weather?

That is why I did not get out of the car to check on it (which I should have) and drove to work. Here at work luckily I can drive my car inside and put on my spare in the warmth.

Scary stuff, glad you are okay!

I walked into town today and some poor woman had crashed her cat into a lamppost in the middle of the town centre. It's 7C here so I'm not sure what her excuse was :rollhappy:
Was she riding on her cat? That must have been a big cat!:rollhappy: I hope the cat was OK.

Feel sorry for you guys, we logged 34 C this afternoon.

Best wishes from the other side of the world.
Charles in Pretoria
Certainly not cold here. The last 2 days have been over 37oC. Absolute stinkers. Thankfully a bit of respite today (28oC).

Glad you are ok Robert!!! Here it is a normal winter... appr. 5oCwith a day/night fluctuation of 2-3 points above and below!!
It's +10C here today (50F) and it's supposed to stay that way for a few days. They're worried about flooding here because we've had so much snow already.
I thought it was bad here at -10ºF. Glad you made it OK, Robert. There have been all kinds of warnings around here to watch out for black ice -- they even closed part of the freeway through town because of black ice after about 30 accidents. Salt doesn't work at these temperatures, so there's not a lot the road crews can do since they don't use sand in town because it "clogs drains."
Robert doesn't want to admit that we who live in the Twin Cities "urban heat island" are a bit wimpy. Tonight, while we are -20 F (-28 C), 100 miles north of here it is going to be -37F, which is pretty close to the point where F and C become the same temperature. Nevertheless, the dry cleaners a short distance from home still opens the door for a few periods during the day to get rid of heat. I don't think Robert, Jerry, and Jason are opening any doors at Orchids Limited. I am not going there until Saturday when the heat wave is taking things up to 21 F (-6 C). Some very bright colors on the Phrags are going to be coming.