Luk Luk

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
No luck with Luk Luk. The first flower arose from this growth without a spike. Now I have a spike with a deformed pouch.

Ron, I feel for you, unfortunately its par for the course with these types of crosses. I have Deli Saint that did the same thing, it might flower properly one day, maybe for someone else though.
I love the color in them. Is there anything so wrong with having a plant that has a deformed pouch in one's collection?
I hope you have better luck with yours Candace!!

I stuck mine outside in the 35-40 degree nights to see if that will make it bloom. Mine is 4 growths that look like b.s. to me. But I've only had it since the big Paph House sale. I left it outside for over a week in the cold, so we'll see!

I think you should give it to someone you dislike:evil:
I just read about one of Luk Luk's parents, P. stonei, on It was described as slow to grow and hard to flower, and known to pass those attributes on to its offspring. Fantastic flower though. Has anyone had any luck with stonei?
This can be true of stonei but the problem is that brachy x multis = deformed flowers on a regular basis when they decide to flower, if at all! There are X's that don't have stonei in them & they are a disappointment as well. Once in a blue moon there will be a spectacular one & then others think theirs will be that way too.
Having read and commented on these crosses before, I did some research into the multi x brachy crosses and brachy x other. It seems to be a oddity but when paph concolor is used as the brachy parent, there are less deformities in the progeny. It doesn't seem to make the seedlings with a multi parent any easier to flower at times but the risk of faulty blooms is reduced.
Anyone had any experience with this???
I just read about one of Luk Luk's parents, P. stonei, on It was described as slow to grow and hard to flower, and known to pass those attributes on to its offspring. Fantastic flower though. Has anyone had any luck with stonei?
I have a few other primaries with stonei as one parent and I don't have problems blooming them. Lady Isabel, Imperial Jade and Mount Toro. Now only one of them, Mount Toro, is cross-sectional but had no problems with deformity in this cross.