charlie c
This is a near primary hybrid of C Dubiosa [C. intermedia X C. trianae] x L. Anceps
This arrived here as a bareroot division the first week in May 06. It had a new lead just breaking. Potted up, it never skipped a beat and started blooming the first week in July 06. I find the vigor of this plant just truly amazing. It may fall into that mythical calagory of "have to beat it with a stick to kill it". Can't wait to see what it looks like on the next blooming when it's REALLY established.
I found this interesting and very unusual, and thought someone else might too.
charlie c
This arrived here as a bareroot division the first week in May 06. It had a new lead just breaking. Potted up, it never skipped a beat and started blooming the first week in July 06. I find the vigor of this plant just truly amazing. It may fall into that mythical calagory of "have to beat it with a stick to kill it". Can't wait to see what it looks like on the next blooming when it's REALLY established.
I found this interesting and very unusual, and thought someone else might too.
charlie c