L. anceps educational/novelty mount

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May 12, 2015
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Sonoma Ca
I have a mounted a lovely alba anceps on a racquetball racket as pictured below. One could wonder why do such a thing. Here are a few reasons:

When explaining what an Epiphyte is, to general public groups, the racquet mount always get a laugh.

They actually make great mounts.

Keeps the racquet out of a landfill.

I have another mounted on a old Keen Shoe.

White flowers make me swoon! That's such a novel idea. I have a lot of mounted Phals. You've given me something
to consider if I ever manage to get a walkeriana 'Pendentive'.
I have a mounted a lovely alba anceps on a racquetball racket as pictured below. One could wonder why do such a thing. Here are a few reasons:

When explaining what an Epiphyte is, to general public groups, the racquet mount always get a laugh.

They actually make great mounts.

Keeps the racquet out of a landfill.

I have another mounted on a old Keen Shoe.

View attachment 37504View attachment 37505
good idea and wonderful orchid

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