Applied solution: 75 ppm N at every watering (I will track that off line).
Will be applied to all plants:
I just installed a new customer-built 200 gpd, 2:1 RO system, and will be putting in a new Dosmatic pump tomorrow or Friday, so expect to start the first of the year.
Will be applied to all plants:
- Paphs and phrags in S/H culture, maybe a few in Orchiata bark.
- Phals in S/H culture.
- Catts in Orchiata.
- Vandaceous plants in LECA, EcoWeb, or nothing at all.
- A variety of stuff mounted on EcoWeb or virgin cork bark.
I just installed a new customer-built 200 gpd, 2:1 RO system, and will be putting in a new Dosmatic pump tomorrow or Friday, so expect to start the first of the year.