Is anyone going to Redlands this year?

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
I was wondering if anyone here is heading to the Redland International Orchid Fest this year? As it turns out I will be on vacation and had planed on leaving Orlando on the Fri. of the opening day to drive back to the condo in Myrtle Beach. But then I got to thinking, that I could force my wife to get up early that day and drive from Orlando to Homestead and then back to my friends condo in Orlando in the same day. Stay there an extra night and then on Saturday morning get up and straighten up the condo and then drive the 8 hours back to the Myrtle Beach condo. This is a last minute change for us as we are heading out on Sat. morning at 1:30 A.M. to make the 15 hour drive down to S. Carolina. Boy will be putting some miles on the car this time. Plus I need to go visit Hadley in N. Carolina. I think I'll give up going to Junes Orchid Estate in order to go to Redlands. I'll see Junes in Nov. when I go down to the International Slipper Symposium.

My question is, does anyone know who might be the paph. vendors that will be attending that event. I'd like to hit them first. I've gone one time before and I think Joseph Wo Orchids should be one of my first stops. Also possible Ching Hua. The one I'm confused on is Ooi Len Sun Orchids. Is that the Sun Moon Orchids that always sells mislabeled paphs? Any suggestions are more than welcome.

Thanks in advance to any and all replies.

Please forgive me for this post. My wife just called and told me I had my dates messed up. So, it really doen't matter. I won't be going to Redlands. It's back to the original plan of going to Junes Orchid Estate.
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