Inobulbon (Dendrobium) munificum

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This is the first flowering of my Inobulbon (Dendrobium) munificum. Not too impressive comparing to pictures that I have seen on web, but you have to start somewhere... :)
Very intriguing plant with 'hairy' pseudobulbs. Inflorescence is branched. Flowers don't fully open, petals from outside are pale. So far I didn't detect any fragrance.



Cool. I'd better check mine to see if it will bloom soon. Only I have the name as Polybulbon. I wonder which one is correct.
The flowers open in the morning and close at night :sob:

so depending on the hours and light they will be more or less open!
One of my fovourites...right name is Inobulbon.
I had mine for years without blooming, and then this:

and from the back:

and then it succumbed to a late propane delivery the next winter.
Very beautiful!!!!! Yes, internet photos are not representative sometimes... Also I almost acquire this in a purchase I did some months ago, but I put it out of the order..... Maybe I should have bought
How big is the plant exactly? And what are the culture requirements? Thanks.. :)
I think it is a medium size plant, surely not a small one. The biggest bulb of my plant is about 7cm tall, remaining leave -16cm long. But plants of this species can grow bigger, well grown bulbs have 2-3 leathery leaves at the apex. Inflorescence is branched and can reach 50cm in length. Anyway, I have seen mature specimens only on web.
As for culture requirements - they are not too difficult to fullfil. Intermediate/warm (but not hot), with cooler wintering. Regular watering in summer and drier in winter. Good to moderate light, not direct sun.
For blooming, there are some method or process in greenhouse?

I have 9 plants in my greenhouse.
I lived during 13 years in New Caledonia. I left this island 20 years ago.
When I went to central's mountain in trekking, I saw the big plant in wet forest. I remembered that the blooming was in july (cool season) and december (hot season) in the altitude near 900 or 1000 meters).
Thanks for your reply.
I search some photos in situ.

For blooming, there are some method or process in greenhouse?

I have 9 plants in my greenhouse.
I lived during 13 years in New Caledonia. I left this island 20 years ago.
When I went to central's mountain in trekking, I saw the big plant in wet forest. I remembered that the blooming was in july (cool season) and december (hot season) in the altitude near 900 or 1000 meters).
Thanks for your reply.
I search some photos in situ.

Mine's in spike now. I grow it intermediate temperature and medium light. Water less in Winter.