hello from France

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Hello Pierre ! Nice to see you here. As you will soon notice, you'll find many of your compatriots on this great forum ;)
Hello and welcome Pierre!!!!!!!
Your collection must be great!!! Where do you get your Disa from??? What do you do during summer for cold-lonving orchids??? Thanks, anyway...:D
hello friends, nice to see you here :clap:

@ biothanasis : the roots like cool water but the sheets like sun and heat.
they are in 3 or 4 cm of rainwater everytime. all the morning sunny and the afternoon shady.
here the nights are cold, it's realy a good thing.
my Disa come from different prods (german, belgian, english and french)
Thank you Pierre!!! I would be grateful if you could pm me some sites...:D (or post then here if it does not matter!!!)