Heather's Collection

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Supporting Member
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
xerophyticum 'Windy Hill' HCC/AOS

Paphiopedilum Species
kolopakingii ‘Riopelle’ FCC/AOS x self
philippinense var. laevigatum aureum ‘Snowy’ x ‘Buttermilk’
philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Grace’ x ‘Candor Red Streamers’
philippinense var. roebelinii fma. aureum ‘Greenlace’ JC/AOS x self
rothschildianum ‘Laura’ (‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x ‘Excelsior’)
Paphiopedilum Hybrids
Addicted Philip
Berenice (lowii ‘Dragonfly’ AM/AOS x philippinense var. roebelinii ‘Birch Point’ AM/AOS)
Johanna Burkhardt (rothschildianum ''Golden Boy' AM/AOS x adductum 'Black Star')
Julius (rothschildianum ‘Rex’ FCC/AOS x lowii ‘Burma Beauty’)
Kolosand (kolopakingii var. topperi x sanderianum ‘Penanko’)
St. Swithin (philippinense ‘Alford’ AM/AOS x rothschildianum ‘Crystelle’ FCC/AOS)
St. Swithin (philippinense var. roebelinii 'Birch Point' AM/AOS x rothschildianum ‘Bion’ FCC/AOS)
Shin Yi's Pride (Michael Koopowitz x rothschildianum 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS)
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I'm jealous Heather. Quite an impressive collection, but why didnt you list your miltonias :poke:
Wonderful list Heather.

Can't wait to see that Mt Toro alba... and big thumbs up for all those philippinense complexes
Yeah, don't like besseae. Not at all.

Tim - ha, I knew you'd like those! I think I have too many but need to see some more bloom before I start thinning out.

The list looks small to me. :( Especially the Phrags. I sold about 55 plants since March and while things are more manageable, and I am a more careful shopper now, fine tuning my passion and selling one cross to fund a hopefully better one (and am learning to plan and budget my purchases). I do miss some of my plants. The nice thing is many of YOU member friends here are the ones who purchased most of them! So, I really look forward to seeing their progress in the future. :)

Good growing!
Heather said:
Nope, list is up to date.

maybe i'm high, but i was sure this morning i saw a post from you with, instead of your darwin quote, one saying that you had gotten your new favorite yesterday, but maybe that was from yesterday and today it isn't