Has this LED lamp enough lighting for Paphs???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
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This is the first time I am interested in using artificial light in my plants of Paphiopedilum. Look at the picture, please, and explain me if some of these bulbs are enough for lighting my plants. Thank you in advances, friends.


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there are a series of excellent articles in the AOS bulletin.
Ospaph, could you please send me the link of one of those paper, please?
Is dificult for me to make a searching using the cuban Internet.
Hello. Get the PPFD app for your phone. If you can manage 35 to 40 PPFD over the paphs then that is enough to flower them -- it's enough to coax blooms out of mine.

I am running two led strip lights over my plants and they are about 1.5 to 2 ft above the plants. The lamps are spaced out so that lighting is uniform across the rack.

I think you will probably need a second lamp.
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If this is your only light source it is enough for seedlings or mottled-leaf Paphs. For plants that need more light you need more power. For my seedling shelves I I use a 4' LED strip that pulls 34 watts from the wall.

And for bigger plants I use this. It is strong enough for Cattleyas:

And for bigger plants I use this. It is strong enough for Cattleyas:
Hi Justin. Have checked this lamp. Could you tell me please, how many lighting space it covers at the height you are using for??
I´ll use it at 5 foot in height.
i'm using this on phrag seedlings (2 years now) flowering and growing well .. i just purchased one for a bench of paph seedlings... and am optimisitc... color is already lightening up on the paphs... it's been 3 months... (this is the rebranded orchid hobbyist site)

I have the spike light but use the medium lights on my phrags (not seedlings). Should I be using the spike lights for them and can this light be used for paphs as well? I have one set of shelves for these plants only. What distance do you use from light?
Is that a full-spectrum grow light or just a 6500K general purpose light? It's not that clear from the photo. I think you want a full-spectrum grow light if you can get it. There's quite some videos on YouTube about grow lights (mainly for growing weed though :D. Orchids need much less light than weed)
Of course it can be used. Almost any lighting will work, given the correct wattage and distance to the plants.

When I first got into orchids, living in a small almost-slum of a rental off the Ga Tech campus, my shelves were lighted with a combination of ordinary incandescent bulbs and shop lights, in a 50/50 wattage mix. Worked fine.
Hi Justin. Have checked this lamp. Could you tell me please, how many lighting space it covers at the height you are using for??
I´ll use it at 5 foot in height.

I use the HLG65 for 2'x4' shelves for mature plants. The lamps are about 2' above the plants and very strong. They provide Cattleya level light. I have to keep the hours at about 12 hours so as not to turn the plants under them too yellow. Growth is phenomenal.

I have the spike light but use the medium lights on my phrags (not seedlings). Should I be using the spike lights for them and can this light be used for paphs as well? I have one set of shelves for these plants only. What distance do you use from light?

I have a couple similar to these as well. The 48" flower spike 42 watt LEDs from The Orchid Hobbyist. They are excellent and highly recommended. I have one each on my lower 2'x4' shelves for my smaller plants. I wish I had more headroom on the lower shelves, because the lights are only about 8" above the plants and it is a little too strong. 12" above the plants would be perfect.
The spectrum differences between of the cool, warm white and daylight LEDs is largely irrelevant. They all have high output in the red and blue regions. Perfect for growing plants. Daylight white has the most photosynthesis friendly spectrum as it has a larger red than blue peak.
Justin, I'm using this one too. How close is your light to the top leaves? If you don't mind.

I have the HLG65 about 18" above the top of the pots, which is actually too close but i am not able to raise it higher in my space. The tallest leaves are about 6" below the lights. So I get a little bit of yellow leaves directly under it. I think 24" above the pots would be better if I had the room. I still think they are really great for my 2'x4' shelves though (I have three of them). My mature roths grow and bloom very well under these lights.
I have the HLG65 about 18" above the top of the pots, which is actually too close but i am not able to raise it higher in my space. The tallest leaves are about 6" below the lights. So I get a little bit of yellow leaves directly under it. I think 24" above the pots would be better if I had the room. I still think they are really great for my 2'x4' shelves though (I have three of them). My mature roths grow and bloom very well under these lights.
Thanks. Using my app , that light measures 150 PPFD at 24 feet. Yes, it seems a lot of light and it can burn leaves easily. Where as...my 70% shaded greenhouse outside...reads way more than 150 but but very shady the plants are so green.
I can really see they grow better outside.
They wont let you join on-line from Cuba?
NOO!!! That is not the problem!!!
The problem is that I can´t pay the membership because we have not currency credit or debit card!!!
Really a big problem.
Anyways, thank you very much for all efforts!!!

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