Gifts to parents for Christmas!

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I got these two for christmas gifts for my parents! The phal is for my father and the other one (Odontocidium??? - it writes cambria on the tag... :p) for my mom! They loved them!



There was also a surprise on our garden(the plant was transfered from a friends yard to ours)! Himantoglossum robertianum flowered! :D:D


Beautiful plants!

I'm not an odontoglossum expert, but I think that one might be a Vuylstekeara Cambria, or a cross made with it, as it doesn't look like any Cambria I've seen.
"Cambria" is kind of a commercial name used in Europe (especially dutch nurseries!) for most complex odontoglossum/oncidinae hybrids... if you check the tag of that plant, you can then google the nursery and quite often you can see exactly which hybrids they have...
Nice gifts!!!

Thiy hymantoglossum is a very early grower for you :)!!! I found lots of it blooming in the Camargue (south of France) last March !! Jean
I am glad you like them!

Jean, till recently we had 15-18 oC, so many spring bulbous bloomers kind of bloomed. Crazy weather...!!!! Now we have around 5 oC.
Love the Himantoglossum! How nice of you to give orchids as gifts..."hey Mom, I went out and bought you all these lovely orchids. Let me take them home so I can care for them....":rollhappy:Don't know why I didn't think of this ploy.


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