Germany: Orchid Show Aachen 12-13-14 April

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Hallo," an alle Orchideenfreunde Aachen und Umgebung!"

Neuer Standort "Albert Vahle Halle" Albert Sevais Allee 50 (Nähe Reittunierplatz)

Große Orchideen-Ausstellung


"Faszination Tropischer Orchideen"

Die Orchideenfreunde Aachen-Dreiländereck e.V. werden 2013 wieder eine große internationale Orchideen-Ausstellung durchführen. Termin vom 12.April bis 14. April 2013, geöffnet von 9.00 bis 18.00Uhr.

Wir werden wieder eine schöne Ausstellung dem Publikum präsentieren mit mehreren tausend Orchideen und vielen Naturformen. Es stehen 2000 Parkplätze gebührenfrei direkt an der Halle zur verfügung.

Orchideen-Gärtner und Züchter aus dem In/Ausland Brasilien, Ecuador, werden ihre Pflanzen ausstellen und verkaufen.

Aussteller-Liste wird bald bekannt gegeben

Der Vorstand




Orchideen-Züchter-Gärtner sowie Orchideen-Vereine die Teilnehmen.

Asendorfer Orchideenzucht Dipl.Ing. Hilmar Bauch

Floralia Brasil Sandra Odebrecht Brasilien

Hans Lucke Inh. Jörg Frehsonke Neukirchen-Vluyn

Blumen Janke Weilerbach/Pfalz

Orchideengarten Marei Karge Dahlenburg

Orchideen Kopf Deggendorf

Eisenheimer Orchideengärtnerei B Wück und G. Krönlein

Klaus Dieter Lohoff Orchideen-Anzucht-Kultur Bielefeld

Orchideen-Kulturbedarf M Meyer Frankfurt

Alex Portilla Ecuador

Röllke Orchideenzucht Schloß Holte Stukenbrock

Schreiner Gartenorchideen Winterharte-Orchideen

Orchideen-Tonn Meierbreite 2 37249 Neu-Eichenberg

Orchidarium und Alpenpflanzen Schronen Daleiden

Gruppe: Orchideenfreund Aachen-Dreiländereck e.V.

Gruppe: Orchideenfreunde Mergelland NL

Gruppe: Orchideenfreunde Sennestadt

Gruppe: Flandern Belgien

I will be there on Friday the 12th of April.
Thanks Marc!!! I must say that I prefered the dates and place of the past shows (earlier in the year, in the municiple greenhouses)! I am not yet sure if I will make it this time, also because of Dresden, where I definitely intend to go this year! Jean
Orchidarium und Alpenpflanzen Schronen Daleiden has closed unfortunately and wont be present.
They will be replaced by Orchideeen Reinhart from the Netherlands.

But a more important question, whose going? I will be there on Friday morning, I expect to be there with my father somewere between 9 and 10.

If anyone is going please let me know. :poke:
We will visit this exhibition on Saturday morning with my club, the COW Enghien Belgium. I have pre-order some plants by Hans Luke (Lc Aloha Case and Oncidium forbessii) .
I didn't take any pictures at all, I must say that I was happy I went there but the venue wasn't something to get excited about.

It was a horse sports arena, there was actually to much room, sales stands and show stands were so far apart that it was really lacking as far as "atmosphere" was concerned. The heating was turned of as well. My father told me that the old location was a lot better.

Another let down for the visitors was that Ecuagenera wasn't there. Picked up something about issues with paperwork getting lost......

I did pick up two nice plants though, a mature exul and a mature villosum which looks like it will break up in two plants when I repot it.
It was a horse sports arena, there was actually to much room, sales stands and show stands were so far apart that it was really lacking as far as "atmosphere" was concerned. The heating was turned of as well. My father told me that the old location was a lot better.

That's what I was afraid of !!! Hard to beat the 'old' location !!

Another let down for the visitors was that Ecuagenera wasn't there. Picked up something about issues with paperwork getting lost......

I did pick up two nice plants though, a mature exul and a mature villosum which looks like it will break up in two plants when I repot it.


Here are some pictures taken at this exhibition:



I confirm what was previously said and I am also a little bit disappointed after having seen this exhibition. Concerning sellers: far too many hybrids which we can buy in garden centers are proposed for sale.
Concerning sellers: far too many hybrids which we can buy in garden centers are proposed for sale.

Very true a lot of the sales stands included 50% or more garden center garbage ( Phalaenopsis hybrid, Dendr monile hybrids etc. ) Orchideen Reinhard from the Netherlands brought only garden center crap with him to this show.
Too bad about the outcome. How was the pedestrian traffic? A lot of people or not?
Not to much Saturday morning but the quantity of visitors increased when we left around midday. After noon we visited the historic center of Aachen and its very nice cathedral.