Fox Valley's New Location

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That's Paph. Jade Dragon 'Dragon's Wing'; it has a 11.0 cm horizontal natural spread and a 4.9 cm wide dorsal sepal, so fairly competitive. Another one of those " I hope it lasts 'till the Madison show in two weeks" plants:wink:
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W. Beetus - Thanks for posting the great pictures! I really enjoyed getting to see the new Fox Valley.

Tom - You're going to be seriously out of space (like me) when all those little ones grow up! Great looking plants, by the way.
The greenhouse is very small, just 16' x 20', but the stepped benching allows me to grow on three levels, plus there are plenty of hanging plant options as well as the three tiered light cart. The benches are incredibly efficient when it comes to growing space. I got them at The Greenhouse Megastore: They're called "3-Tier Retail Display Benches" SKU: BN-FB3032, and come in 6' sections, so three fit perfectly per side.

Nice pix, Nick! Today I just happened on this post and am glad to have seen it! And, to Tom, nice greenhouse and plants! My first Fox Valley Fireball is beginning it's first spike right now - from a fairly small seedling a while back...I'm excited!
I know this is an older thread but looking at these picture again, how could you not say something? Very nice greenhouse Tom! The paph. Bailey Kalina is incredible. That has to be the best tigrinum cross I have ever seen. The lowii has such wide petals, like giant spoons. I love seeing pictures of Fox Valley fireball. I think that is one of the best phrag hybrids made. The color on this one is great. It does not even look red but more like fuchsia(spelling?) color. I think if this hybrid come out before phrag Jason Fischer it would have taken its place as one of the most awarded hybrids by now. I still do not have one, but need to find one pronto!
Looks like it's time for an update! Thanks all for your kind comments; it's really been interesting to see how well the plants are doing in a completely climate controlled greenhouse with really good city water (Lake Michigan!) for irrigation. Down-sizing and selling off most of the collection to Hausermann's and keeping the really interesting stuff to breed on with has also made it possible to more closely monitor plant growth and take appropriate action in a timely manner when plants are not growing as well as I would expect.

As far as the future, we're looking forward to releasing several new Phrag. hybrids in the spring and even toying with the idea of having the new greenhouse open on a limited basis.

It's so nice to hear of an orchid business starting up anew instead of hearing about one closing down. I'll be very happy come spring to order plants from such a clean, well-kept greenhouse. I think I'll plan my spring list now!
It's a Superior greenhouse. We bought it from the now-defunct Florist Products Co. and it was built on the property in 1987. Because it has an aluminum framework, it has stood up well for 25 years. When we decided to move back into this greenhouse, I only had to replace the heater, upgrade the benching and put in a small R/O system. The positive pressure fan & pad cooler also got a new pump and replacement aspen pads. All in all, it's actually a pretty simple design.
