Excel on website?

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
N Calif, USA
Can one put an excel spreadsheet on a web page? I manage an award page and the index is getting crazy. Noodling about I had a brainstorm: why not just make an excel spreadsheet and place that on teh page? That way any new awards would automatically be alphabetized. Then I saw that there's some sort of code in Excel that's not universal and may not allow the sheet to display properly in all browsers or on all servers. All of that was way over my head. So I came here to ask the brain trust.

Wish I had a paph to post, but the Peter Blacks are just starting to bud.
I think each browser would need a 'plugin' to be able to work an excel file, just like they can open and read pdf files, unless somehow there is something on your server that would present a 'working' excel page? also way over my head :)
I think the best way is to convert it to a table and then paste that table into your code and keep your spread sheet. If you want to add something, put that in your spread sheet then sort then paste the whole table again.
I think the best way is to convert it to a table and then paste that table into your code and keep your spread sheet. If you want to add something, put that in your spread sheet then sort then paste the whole table again.

Ah! That might be the way to go. Thank you both for your help.
it is very difficult work.Please provide some accurate way to use it.
Thanks for sharing.

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