Encyclia (Prosthechea) vittelina

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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My favourite Christmas plant. Blooming this time every year.
That is the nicest example of that species that I've ever seen! BRAVO!!! I have a plant of this and I've stuggled with it for over 20 years. Even though it's been with me for that long, It's only now in a 3" pot with just one pseudobulb with a leaf. The rest have lost their leaves. I seem to get roots on it and then lose them....keeping the plant from really growing. I've tried it planted in a plastic pot, mounted and now, it's in a clay pot. PLEASE(!!!) help me understand this plant better. How do you grow this magnificent specimen?
Wonderfully grown plant and great flowers!!! :clap:

How do you keep it so "fresh"?
I'm with John -- I've tried growing this species a couple times, with death as the result. I'd love to know how to grow one well. Yours is just spectacular!
That is the nicest example of that species that I've ever seen! BRAVO!!! I have a plant of this and I've stuggled with it for over 20 years. Even though it's been with me for that long, It's only now in a 3" pot with just one pseudobulb with a leaf. The rest have lost their leaves. I seem to get roots on it and then lose them....keeping the plant from really growing. I've tried it planted in a plastic pot, mounted and now, it's in a clay pot. PLEASE(!!!) help me understand this plant better. How do you grow this magnificent specimen?

Hi John M, This plant grows at high elevation in Mexico and is quite cold tolerant (min 3c). Mexico generally has a dry winter so I let my plant become cispy dry between very light waterings while domant. When it breaks dormancy, dont rush to soak it until you see new roots at the base of the new growth as you can damage the old roots and set the plant back for a year. If you have a garden this plant really seems to like being outdoors hanging under a tree. In fact try keeping it outside until it gets too cold when you can bring it into your greenhouse for the winter. Pot in a small pot with VERY well drained medium or mount it on t/fern. You can water it very often when in full growth and go real easy on the feeding.

Hope this helps

Really well bloomed. One of my first orchids and I killed it so fast its own shadow didn't make it into the house! :p
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