Enc adenocaula

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York

Dot they look the same. The person I was chatting with said that ours should not have branching. I have 2 lower flower branches with 3 flowers each. Will look more into it and let you know what I find out.
Dot they look the same. The person I was chatting with said that ours should not have branching. I have 2 lower flower branches with 3 flowers each. Will look more into it and let you know what I find out.
OK, Ron.
I purchased mine from a South American dealer who was selling at the Chicagoland Orchid Festival a few years ago. He said it was wild-collected. When I got it, it had no roots and took me a couple of years to get to bloom, Then it grew like mad and I've divided it. My piece has two spikes, but I think one of the divisions has some branching.

These look the same to me as what is on Jay's website:
Mine is very fragrant -- pleasantly sweet. I thought I remembered there being a fragrance, but I didn't want to rely on my memory.
Yea, me too. They do look very similar. The only differences I can make out are that your is a little darker than mine, especially in the lip. And look at the parts on either side of the anther cap (I don't know what they are called) -- they are a darker pink on yours and on the guadalupeae on Jay's site. Whereas mine and the one on Jay's are lighter. And the segments on mine and the one on Jay's are thinner than yours and the guadalupeae -- not by much, but maybe enough to make a difference.

Have you had yours very long? Jay says the guadalupeae was "newly discovered."