East-facing window

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Is an unshaded east-facing window too strong for paphs? I placed some of my paphs beside it and one opf the new growths on my Fanaticum went limp. :(
Is an unshaded east-facing window too strong for paphs? I placed some of my paphs beside it and one opf the new growths on my Fanaticum went limp.
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Probably. The summer light and heat can especially build up. I've got an east facing greenhouse window over my kitchen sink and I had to install the peel and stick vinyl shading to it. Many of my cattleyas got some burn come Spring and Summer. So, I would think your paphs are going to resent it! You may need a curtain for at least the hottest, brightest time of day or the vinyl shading that's available at hardware stores.
I believe that it depends on what type of Paphs your putting there. Some Paphs like multi florals can handle strong light and love it, others like the Parvi's, Brachys etc require shade so putting them there is asking for trouble. Adding some shade is required, you can easily put too much there and decrease flowering potential. Caution is required.
Roy, FYI it's a Fanaticum(per the posting) that had the problem. Needs lower light. It's funny that on the other slipper forum everyone is telling her that east windows need no shading.:rollhappy: My cattleyas burned in an east facing window. My paphs would probably have turned to ash:> Of course, CA sunshine in the Summer and Spring is maybe worse than in other areas. They did o.k. in the Winter and Fall, but light levels are much lower then. Summer and Spring can and will fry some plants without precautions. Been there, done that.
Candace, I said that Parvis ( Fanaticum ) needs shade. There is no indication of which state papheteer is and I understand that CA, like us has problems in summer with strong light and heat. Thats why I suggested Multiflorals and caution.
Am I a dork Roy, or are your seasons opposite of ours? I spent almost 2 weeks in Australia, love it by the way. If I could bring my orchids, I'd escape there.
Candace, your not a dork. Yes we are the reverse to you in season, you summer, we winter.
Where I live, in the summer, the temp can get to 30c + before 10am and plants will burn in the east window ( any plant ). From experience and study of species locations and growing conditions lead me to say what I said. Nothing against anyone elses comments, far from it.
BTW, all the orchid plants you can't get in the USA without a legal document, we can get here over the counter.
We need some more orchid growers here, your most welcome.