Drought period in California finshed by Climate change

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A typical weather pattern doesn't help You, because it is only typical but not true for a special time of the year.
So forecast is not possible. All scientists know about that and You will have the same insight, when You get a master degree in physics or similar.

can someone please translate what he is trying to say????..I am lost
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"RISK and UNCERTAINTY are central to forecasting and prediction; it is generally considered good practice to indicate the degree of uncertainty attaching to forecasts. In any case, the data must be up to date in order for the forecast to be as accurate as possible. In some cases the data used to predict the variable of interest is itself forecasted"

nowhere did I say something was "TRUE"...you're like that student in biology class who can't quite grasp the fundamentals of hypothesis and methodology...in which the student has to create a viable argument based on previous data to make a stable hypothesis. They don't understand so they keep their minds stuck in a previous narrative, using flawed ideas and words at an attempt to bridge a gap. I have grown past that and can now use words that encompass more sophisticated ideas.

"Typical" is a word used to give weight to uncertainty and push it toward a more certain future..although there are still constraints placed on the word, it lends a higher degree of viability to the statement because it implies a correlation to previous events.

Let me dumb it down for you : Forecasting doesn't mean it's 'True'..it means there is a significant possibility that it may happen, 'significance' meaning, based on the constraints of previous data ..if I wanted to say it was 'True' then I would have used the word 'True"...I never used the word though..it's not scientific in any sense of the word

You continue with your BS red herring crap...lay off the sauce ,..it's not serving you
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"RISK and UNCERTAINTY are central to forecasting and prediction; it is generally considered good practice to indicate the degree of uncertainty attaching to forecasts. In any case, the data must be up to date in order for the forecast to be as accurate as possible. In some cases the data used to predict the variable of interest is itself forecasted"

nowhere did I say something was "TRUE"...you're like that student in biology class who can't quite grasp the fundamentals of hypothesis and methodology...in which the student has to create a viable argument based on previous data to make a stable hypothesis. They don't understand so they keep their minds stuck in a previous narrative. I have grown past that and can now use words that encompass more sophisticated ideas.

"Typical" is a word used to give weight to uncertainty and push it toward a more certain future..although there are still constraints placed on the word, it lends a higher degree of viability to the statement because it implies a correlation to previous events.

Let me dumb it down for you : Forecasting doesn't mean it's 'True'..it means there is a significant possibility that it may happen, 'significance' meaning, based on the constraints of previous data ..if I wanted to say it was 'True' then I would have used the word 'True"...I never used the word though..it's not scientific in any sense of the word

I agree.

I suggest to ask the Canadian Indians how the weather becomes in the fall. They often have a good feeling for it.
And also ask them for conditions in winter. Then You know if You should start collecting fire wood early or later in Autumn.

If You expect an impact of an asteroid on the earth then there is somebody who can give You the true date and point of the impact, not the typical date and point.
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are these people who fight anti climate change people or fighters who are anti climate change people?

see, being scientific is also about clarity
and actually, the fires have already started in Alberta, Canada...seattle has some haze from it

Washington State had 54 fires break out in March, and on the wet side of the cascades...and it's not even dry season yet
are these people who fight anti climate change people or fighters who are anti climate change people?
For better understanding:
That are people who go to Australia, China, USA, Poland, South Africa and Luxembourg to destroy all coal power plants there. They eat no meal and vegan Hamburgers only. So they can save the word.
Leader is the little Greta Thunberg from Sweden followed by Al Gore.
Human activity has caused climate change to accelerate to dangerous and likely unstoppable levels. California has an untenable water-use situation and its absurd, idiotic environmental house of cards will (paradoxically) crash down like the Red Sea upon Pharoah’s deluded forces. Of course, that xtianist fable isn’t real, unlike human-caused climate change, but desperate liars cling to their generations of lies; may their bones bleach in their misbegotten desert, but soon.
Human activity has caused climate change to accelerate to dangerous and likely unstoppable levels. California has an untenable water-use situation and its absurd, idiotic environmental house of cards will (paradoxically) crash down like the Red Sea upon Pharoah’s deluded forces. Of course, that xtianist fable isn’t real, unlike human-caused climate change, but desperate liars cling to their generations of lies; may their bones bleach in their misbegotten desert, but soon.

What is Your recommendation?
"Human activity has caused climate change to accelerate to dangerous and likely unstoppable levels"...very astute choice of wording..implies that climate change is something that occurs naturally and is ever oscillating but with the addition of human activity ..it's pushing us into uncharted territories. Well said.

We also have a global mental health problem..lots of denial going round
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"Human activity has caused climate change to accelerate to dangerous and likely unstoppable levels"...very astute choice of wording..implies that climate change is something that occurs naturally and is ever oscillating but with the addition of human activity ..it's pushing us into uncharted territories. Well said.

Yes, well said but not proved
Can you point me to all this scientific evidence that disproves human induced climate change?
No, It is the other way round.
If you make a statement, you have to prove that it is correct by scientifically based evidence, not by sending a missionary like Greta Thunberg or Al Gore into the world.