Decomposed Granite Floors in the G.H.?

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I have crushed granite spread a round the floor to fill in between bricks that are not level. It helps smooth out the floor. It does track into the house when wet! Which the wife hates!:(
Havent used it in the greenhouse but did use it between flagstones when redid the parents back yard down in Houston. Looks nice and all, but it tracks into the house whenever it is wet.
I use it for the same purpose as Darin. Until moss grows over it, tracking it into the house is a problem. Plus it tends to wash away in some spots when it rains.
Interesting. I wouldn't have to contend with tracking it in as this g.h. is far from the house. We have compacted D.G. there already as it was previously the kids play area and orchard area. I've thought about putting pavers on it but then have thought why? Why spend an extra $400 plus 3 days of back breaking labor if it will do what I need? Which is to remain somewhat level, drain etc. Which it does. I'm thinking I could use that money for something else. Like more plants;>