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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
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no hatred!!
Does anybody know if watering with carbonated water has any benefit for plants? Roots or foliar
I don't know. My guess would be that the CO2 would be released to the atmosphere before the plant could uptake it.

At a presentation, Terry Root said that he sited OZ near a natural gas power plant as the CO2 created would help the plants. Not sure if the CO2 concentration was higher at a local level.

Maybe this could work with Phrags grown in water (and have a regulator constantly emit CO2 bubbles intermittently)? In the aquarium hobby, some people use CO2 in their tanks to help their plants uptake extra CO2. But another "trick" is to grow many of these plants emersed so that the plant sticking out of the water can more easily obtain atmospheric CO2, which has higher concentrations than in the water. So maybe this won't work for phrags as well?
Roots take in oxygen I think and leaves transpire co2 to oxygen, bubbling the roots in semi hydro would be good for airation although I don't have any phrags or grow in semi hydro, it sounds like it could help though, airating the roots
I think it would be more usefull in an enclosed setup where CO2 is at a higher level during the day. At night the plants don't take CO2.

I use CO2 in my aquarium but stop it at night or when the PH is dropping too much. I would be afraid that injecting CO2 into the roots might drop the PH too much, not sure. At least it's hapening in the aquarium.