A surprise blooming from this cultivar under the care of David B. from my Redlands import last October. The shape isn’t the best now as it is still establishing.
I used the pollen on a full shaped trianae ‘Cashen’s’ FCC/AOS, hoping to get rounder flameas. Cashen’s is a proven parent for round flowers and may be a tetraploid. In this case, the progeny might be triploid and the line ends (unless Sorpresa is a tetraploid too?).
Finger crossed!!
Here’s Sorpresa:

Here’s Cashen’s:

And side by side. Both flowers around 14-15 cm.

I used the pollen on a full shaped trianae ‘Cashen’s’ FCC/AOS, hoping to get rounder flameas. Cashen’s is a proven parent for round flowers and may be a tetraploid. In this case, the progeny might be triploid and the line ends (unless Sorpresa is a tetraploid too?).
Finger crossed!!
Here’s Sorpresa:

Here’s Cashen’s:

And side by side. Both flowers around 14-15 cm.