My work has moved to another place, facing evenmore South than before...and I have moved from the somewhat conservative feeding regime of my Paphs to a more heavy duty one with the Catts (3 times feeding + 1 time only watering in the plant's growth periode). So maybe, one could consider, if the case is, that both the plant and I somehow have matured?I’m not surprised. Your culture has suddenly improved or the plant is maturing!
Suonded to me frightened, too....i started at 400 us.....i stopped at 1400 ( not 1200) uS every mornings in Summer.I decreased to 1200 uS every 3rd day this Fall.I never had this amount of catt flowers before.More feed + more light = larger growths. Now if you’re really interested, how far can you punch them with feed and light before it causes problems? Dodidoki has one solution. 1200ms sounds to be very high levels of feed!
Your flower photos this year, Istvan, speaks volumes about your feeding regime.... and had I been a GH-grower, I certainly would test it.I advise you the next for catts: foliar feeding every day with 1200 uS fertilizer solution with peters excel calmag, let the root get only fertilizer dripping down from leaves. It bowringiana with 18 buds on one stem.
I totally agree! It's so nice that you share your experience and hopefully some of the other GH growers might try out your feeding advice. If in doubt, they should check out your amazing and expertly grown C. dowiana (and the rest of the Catts you have posted lately!) sophystificated word. I think we are here not just to show thet we are the best growers in this world but to help each others with own experiances, falls ans successes. I have killed many rare orchids for many years. I tried to get consequences and change if needed. Just think about catts.They live on rocks or thee branches . They never get water during a longer period.They dry out within an hour. If they stand in wet they will rot quickly.