besseae "Tracy#2"

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Nice besseae

it is damn cold on the west side, where we have all our oil industry is$$$:p, warmer now than a few weeks before........A couple weeks before I believe the whole country had problems with weather and it snowed like crazy here. Our city thought we were having a warm winter, so our snow plowing budget was lowered, based on three previously warm years. LOL we used up all the budget already and it ain't Chirstmas yet. I guess global warming didn't affect Alberta this year, the farmers are happy (apparently snow is very important for them).

Well the temps keep my house cool for darker blooms :p
It's so warm here, [Eric M. says it's caused by another 'El Nino'] that I bet we have a drought here next summer. My friend in the Maritimes says he's working like crazy because most of the other workers went out west for the building boom. I think we should all by hybrids and smartcars so the oil giants dont suck us totally dry.