Bamboo Garden

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Thanks, I never thought of combining black mondo grass with bamboo. Great look!
Love the Japanese forest grass too (hakonechloa macra aureola), I put this in
front with maiden grass (Miscanthus sinesis). Not popular at all here.
Imperata cilindrica var. koenigii


cypripedium reginae forma album


hakonechloa macra beni kaze
lilium formosanum

phyllostachys huanwenzhu inversa

phyllostachys iridescens

phyllostachys prominens

phyllostachys präcox viridisulcata
Very beautiful photos, Hakone. I particularly like the Black Bamboo (phyllostachys nigra). :)
U can grow bamboo anywhere!

Not sure that is completely true. I have a Fargesia rufa 'Green Panda' (not sure if the 'Green Panda' is a clonal or cultivar name, or just the 'brand'). We'll see if it survives.

What I mean by bamboo, though is really the kind that grows really tall, and the stalks look like what you typically think of when you think of bamboo - like all the Phyllostachys pics Hakone just posted. Those we can't grow here.
Hakone, those are exquisite bamboos, and Cyps, thanks for posting. Where is this garden? it is beautifully done. A lot of work has gone into that garden.

Kevin, you are right, none of the Phyllostachys would likely survive without extra protection in your climate. You have a small shot at getting Phyllostachys nuda to survive, but your growing season is likely too short to mature new growths sufficiently before the winter sets in again. Without time to mature, you don't get the winter hardiness. The warm side of USDA Zone 4 is the limit for most bamboos.
arundo donax variegata

hakonechloa macra beni kaze

hakonechloa macra akebono

hakonechloa macra naomie

hakonechloa macra

hakonechloa macra stripe it rice

hakonechloa macra aureola

hakonechloa macra Nicolas


phyllostachys edulis bicolor

phyllostachys megurochiku

phyllostachys bambusoides katashibo

fargesia demissa langzhou

deschampsia cespitosa

Sanguinaria canadensis forma multiplex

paphiopedilum philippinense forma album


miscanthus sinensis zebra

albizia summer chocolate

sasa megalophylla

camellia japonica

bletilla striata

pleioblastus akebono

campanula album

fargesia taibashan

panicum virgatum


hakonechloa macra allgold

arrhenatherum elatiusvariegata

hakonechloa macra albostriata
Obviously this guy live in the southeast asian part of Germany!?! :p

Indeed! Amazing how many of those are popular garden plants here in Japan. Hakone, you may want to post over at this forum since many folks are bamboo enthusiasts and would no doubt love to see your garden:

Growing on the Edge

Just how big is your garden anyway?

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