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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Saratoga Region, New York
I lucked out today and was at the greenhouse while an HCC lowii was being divided. An immature growth fell off during dividing and it is now part of my collection. The 3 fan division, 2 mature and one immature, sold for $750. This lowii is stunning and has been blooming twice a year. Actually, 2 new plants...I ordered a roth by sangii which should be arriving at the end of the week. Took advantage of Hausermans July sale...15% off...went for the larger size
On the flyer it says 'presented in person'. Is the sale on internet purchaces also!? BTW Ron, that's cute. "I was at xxx house when they were dividing the micrantum albums and one fell off into my collection!" :poke:
"I was at xxx house when they were dividing the micrantum albums and one fell off into my collection!"
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Then you know you must send it to me immediately. I'm about to get on my "no-fair-stomping-boots".

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