What did you get?????
I hadn't been to a Forum for a bunch of years, and renewed my interests with old friends.
Nice to get back to in-person events...
Bought way too much... there were some great plants and decent pricing overall.... Some great deals to be had.
I thought it was great to hear the lectures, and as always, learned new details on paphs and phrags.
The show table was really good,,, sort of phrag heavy, lots of kovachii hybrids, like the Fritz Schoenburg (*pic below), and noticed the holes on the paph side- miss you Hadley

But his legacy lives on and there were some complex's with his mark on them.
There were some fabulous plants on display Congrats Jeff on your Paph Bernice Best Plant in Show!!!
One of my favorites, a Paph Vanda M Pearman, received an AM/AOS (pic below)as it was pulled for judging. Owned by Linda Earl, and brought in for her by Garland H.