Paph Toni Semple

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Madd Virologist
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Pearland TX
Here is one that I'm excited about and couldn't wait any longer to post! I nearly lost this plant and it has taken years (6) to bring her back to blooming. Over a year ago it made the final "flowering" leaf but nothing came up! I though oh well, 6 more years to go! As you can see, not so.
Paph Toni Semple, (haynaldianum X lowii)

I love the strong coloring on the dorsal

and the pouch;
Mysterious revealing!!! hehe!!! Great colours...!!! Can't wait to see it fully open!!!!!
Good for you in bringing it back to health! Can't wait to see the flowers open....but I totally understand why you posted this early. Thanks for sharing your excitment. :clap:
WOW!!! Rick that is going to be awesome, I can't wait also. Thanks Jim.
Oo! I have flowering size plants of both species coming my way in March. Guess what I will be doing with them... :)

I love the bright colours and striking shape of these species. Its magnificent how the come out so strongly in this hybrid.

Definately a patient man's game, thats for sure! I have a paph. Coos from another life that was so near death and scale ridden it should have been tossed. But now 4 years later it has a spike. Lifes small triumphs! Good job Rick
good job, only some seconds for a look,six long years to show this guy, thanks,it'll be great , evidently!
Updated PIC

I know I have commented in the past about not liking these closely related species hybrids. But in this case, I would not confuse this flower for one of the parents. I love the colors on this flower.

I know I have commented in the past about not liking these closely related species hybrids. But in this case, I would not confuse this flower for one of the parents.

Looks like a new subspecies of Paph richardianum to me, quick, let's find somebody to write a new species description! :poke: Oops, Sorry, I was just channelling a certain someone. :evil:

Yes, to us experienced growers there is no confusion, but to a novice this sure does look like one of the infinite variations on the lowii theme. A lovely flower to be sure, and I would happily grow this myself. They make stunning specimen plants. The one I had years ago had even more vigor than either parent.

Very nice Toni Semple! You can see the combination of the two species, the petals of lowii with the staminode more of the haynaldianum ( egg shaped) and the coloration of the dorsal sepals is more lowii but you can see the spotting on the base of the dorsal sepals which came from haynaldianum.


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