Wardian Case (Grand Cayman model) Advice

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May 12, 2015
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Sonoma Ca
I was just gifted a used but good condition Wardian case. Due to a family medical issue I am unable to travel as much as I should to my GH which is an hour away. So I have decided to attempt to learn to grow in a case at home.

Does anyone have an Orchidarium Grand Cayman? If so any advice regarding this particular unit would be appreciated.

The case is 24 x 48 x 36 (L x W X H) and comes with 2 built in fans and 3 light hoods) .

This will be a new learning adventure for me ( growing in a case, under lights etc) as well as a project I can do at home.

i am currently cleaning and assembling the unit after which I need to figure out how to set up the basic environment and then choose what I want to try to grow.

I know Leslie will help and welcome any advice from the vast array of talent on this site.


I was just gifted a used but good condition Wardian case. Due to a family medical issue I am unable to travel as much as I should to my GH which is an hour away. So I have decided to attempt to learn to grow in a case at home.

Does anyone have an Orchidarium Grand Cayman? If so any advice regarding this particular unit would be appreciated.

The case is 24 x 48 x 36 (L x W X H) and comes with 2 built in fans and 3 light hoods) .

This will be a new learning adventure for me ( growing in a case, under lights etc) as well as a project I can do at home.

i am currently cleaning and assembling the unit after which I need to figure out how to set up the basic environment and then choose what I want to try to grow.

I know Leslie will help and welcome any advice from the vast array of talent on this site.


Pics or it didn’t happen.
I was sure I sent this previously but can’t find my response on the thread so here is an in process photo. I have now cleaned everything up and found some little bits I needed. I should have it reassembled next week then to figure out what to put in it. Probably mostly mounted miniatures.IMG_7686.jpeg
Will you be cooling it or using ambient temperatures? If yes, how are you planning to cool it?
One of the many questions I get to ponder like what to grow then how to manage.
Will start with ambients and track the range. The unit is in the garage which will see a wider range than in the house. We have warm summers and cooler winters.
I’m currently thinking mounted intermediate species however I am concerned about our summer temperatures.

I would like to try cool growing miniatures and have considered an ultrasonic fogger. I have this cloud forest fantasy.

I have never grown in a tank nor under lights so would welcome suggestions.
One of the many questions I get to ponder like what to grow then how to manage.
Will start with ambients and track the range. The unit is in the garage which will see a wider range than in the house. We have warm summers and cooler winters.
I’m currently thinking mounted intermediate species however I am concerned about our summer temperatures.

I would like to try cool growing miniatures and have considered an ultrasonic fogger. I have this cloud forest fantasy.

I have never grown in a tank nor under lights so would welcome suggestions.
What temp ranges are you considering as warm and cool? With large seasonal fluxes, might be good to keep species with large elevation ranges so they will be fine in all seasons.
One of the many questions I get to ponder like what to grow then how to manage.
Will start with ambients and track the range. The unit is in the garage which will see a wider range than in the house. We have warm summers and cooler winters.
I’m currently thinking mounted intermediate species however I am concerned about our summer temperatures.

I would like to try cool growing miniatures and have considered an ultrasonic fogger. I have this cloud forest fantasy.

I have never grown in a tank nor under lights so would welcome suggestions.
See my warning, many $$ in plants died in my attempt. Use fans and some type of cooler.
See my warning, many $$ in plants died in my attempt. Use fans and some type of cooler.
Thank Eric,
The case has two 4 in muffin fans. I have one moving air down and the other up which seems to be giving air movement. The unit came with 3 two tube light fixtures which seems to add approximately 10 degrees. I am concerned about summer temps if I try anything other than tough intermediate plants. May need to research LED lighting .

About cooling. I don’t know if ultra sonic foggers actually cool.?? Or just provide great humidity.

I’m not interested in trying to air con the whole garage.
What temp ranges are you considering as warm and cool? With large seasonal fluxes, might be good to keep species with large elevation ranges so they will be fine in all seasons.
Thats my plan at the moment. If I could figure out how to simply cool the tank I might try cooler growing species but not willing to A/C the whole garage.
Thats my plan at the moment. If I could figure out how to simply cool the tank I might try cooler growing species but not willing to A/C the whole garage.
You could get a small fridge, water reservoir and a water pump and pipe cold water through a radiator inside the tank to chill it. Don't know how effective active cooling will be for a glass enclosure though.
You could get a small fridge, water reservoir and a water pump and pipe cold water through a radiator inside the tank to chill it. Don't know how effective active cooling will be for a glass enclosure though.
Interesting idea. I was a marine engineer (Maritime) and that’s the sort of Rube Goldberg
scheme I tend to ponder as well. I.E. for the humidity issue I’m playing with trays of water, an air pump and aquarium air stones.