vietnamense, volonteanum and wallisii (popowii)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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S. Norway
Took them out in the sun

The vietnamense is the notorious two-flower per stalk presented in another thread
the volonteanum is a first-flowering from flask, wonderful flower but not a good grower:eek: and the wallisii(realised that its not popowii but warszewiczianum was too quick in the heading - which I am not able to change now) came from Peruflora in 2012.

Indoor picture:

vietnamense, this nis the 2nd flower on this stalk, this time the NS is 13cm. It is really hughe, the previous flower was a bit bigger, normally the flowers yield around 15cm NS.


photo sharing
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Too bad Bjorn, I never get to see your PICs while I'm at work. Thery're blocked with this message added, "Mixed Content/Potentially Adult;File Storage/Sharing":mad::(
Look great!
May I ask why you say the volt is not an easy grower?
Look great!
May I ask why you say the volt is not an easy grower?

For me it is not, dont know why, but it comes from a flask and the rest is worse. Could be genetic or.....its me:p
All three are very nice! Bjorn, are you happy with the colour of the vietnamense leaves? Here is a newly collected one!

Not really Mike, but that is how they turn out after some time. I have been changing fertiliser composition relatively lately, think things green up a bit. Btw. Most of the leaves you see are quite old some three years plus I would assume. The new ones look better;)
If you look at the old pics in that thread I attached, you will see the same leaves.
But I agree, the leaves could improve, perhaps the light is a bit high as well?
Not really Mike, but that is how they turn out after some time. I have been changing fertiliser composition relatively lately, think things green up a bit. Btw. Most of the leaves you see are quite old some three years plus I would assume. The new ones look better;)
If you look at the old pics in that thread I attached, you will see the same leaves.
But I agree, the leaves could improve, perhaps the light is a bit high as well?

Yes I heard that they like a lot of shade but it's very hard to find good habitat info on this species!