Sowing Bletilla seed

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I've searched and not found it...but I thought I happened across a thread once upon a time where someone had sown bletilla seed on soil and had some decent results.

I have about a dozen pods this year, and I usually just let them fade with fall, but thought I may try this "flask-less" method as a bit of winter entertainment. I've got quite a bit of stuff under lights right now anyway but don't have an interest in flasking the seed.

I have been on a kick buying different gesneriad seed lately, so I was going to sow the bletilla the same way and see how it goes. Maybe mix in soil from around the parent plants.

Thanks for any info!
Or send several pods to Troy Meyers and you'll get one flask back for free. Then you won't have to deal with flasking.
I hadn't thought of donating the seed to Troy Meyers. I have a laminar workstation, I could do the flasking my self. I just thought it would be fun to openly sow the seed and see how it goes.

Tonight I went ahead and sowed a pod over sifted soil from my Bletilla bed, mixed with peat moss and perlite.

I checked the Troy Meyers website and they have slim pickin's on pink striata. I have both the variegated and regular so I'll donate some pods to them soon.

Anybody interested in some seed can IM me with their address and I'll mail a packet out to you while it lasts.

Good luck with the sowing!!! I hope for good results! Do you know how long it takes for the seeds to grow in mature plants? Thank you in advance!!!:D
Good luck, this worked for me with marginal success for a Epi. radicans hybrid I selfed for the hell of it and sewed the seeds in with my drosera seedling tray of aged milled sphag. 1000's of protocorms but only about a dozen made it over 3" before I gave them away.
