Some orchids at Adelaide Botanic Garden.

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Dec 9, 2006
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Penang, Malaysia..d home of fabulous paphs.
Today I paid my third visit to the Adelaide Botanic Garden. Hehe.. I expected to see Angraecum eburneum in full bloom as it was in spike when I saw it last month. It still hasn't bloomed yet... But I'm sure it will be magnificent when all the flowers bloom. It has 5 spikes and is grown in a rockery made from coral, with a small 'waterfall' flowing beside it. But many of its roots are not very healthy.. There is also a Angraecum sesquipedale and a Ang. Veitchii which don't loom too good.


And a small pleuro, Pleurothallis quadrifida.. The unusual thing is that it is grown in almost full sun with Cattleya bowringiana and Schomburgkia superbiens. I thought pleuros like being moist and shady..:confused: despite the many burnt leaves, it is flowering profusely:


And the Australian 'rock lily', Dendrobium/Thelychiton speciosum... Not in bloom but I hope to see it when it blooms... It is grown a little too shady for its liking, I think. it is mounted on a tree in a setting which is supposed to mimic a rainforest undergrowth layer..
Some updates: :)
The ang. eburneum.. Only 4 spikes left, and they're developing So SLOWLY...

Other updates:
- The pleuro was baked to death... :sob::sob: It is still flowering, but desperate to set seed, I think... :( For a Botanic Garden, they should have researched the plants' requirements before acquiring them...
- Catt. labiata is in sheath, will post pics when it blooms...
- There are a few new oncidiums. Onc. barbatum and maculatum are in spike.
- Schomburgkia superbiens is in spike again. Seems to be a very hardy plant that takes a wide variety of conditions... :)
Some updates: :)
The ang. eburneum.. Only 4 spikes left, and they're developing So SLOWLY...

- Catt. labiata is in sheath, will post pics when it blooms...
- There are a few new oncidiums. Onc. barbatum and maculatum are in spike.
- Schomburgkia superbiens is in spike again. Seems to be a very hardy plant that takes a wide variety of conditions...

Please, if you ever had the possibility to take a pict of the angraecum's blooms, just post this one too :) :) , and Schomb. too :):):)

Thanks. Jean

Jean, the angraecum still has not bloomed.. I took the first pic around June and the buds are developing ever so sloowwwlllyyy.. A few buds have blasted and only 4 spikes are left.. I think its because they are not watered enough. The roots seem to be very dry.. Anyway, I got a very pleasant surprise when I visited the gardens today.. They had 3 huge pots of Ludisia discolor in full flower.. Totalling about 20 spikes in various stages of development.. :drool: :drool: :drool: But the stupid thing is that they are placed in a very bright spot..!! :mad: :mad: Do these people want to kill them in record time..? :mad::mad: some leaves are beginning to burn already..


Right here, Bletilla striata has started growing. Should be able to see the flowers in spring.. and Onc. maculatum has bloomed its first flower..will post pics in a few weeks.. :)
very nice ludisia display of course. But it is a shame that this great Angraecum plant seems to be not taken care of correctly!!! Jean
Sounds like it's time to contact the Botanic Garden. Sometimes they are understaffed, don't have time to do the research and just end up putting things where they look good. I'm sure that they would appreciate the input.
Schomburgkia and Oncidium blooming...

Here's Oncidium maculatum and Schomburgkia superbiens in bloom... How I love this oncidium..!! :D :drool: :drool: The gardens have 3 huge plants in bloom, with a total of about 15 spikes in various stages of development.. its a pity they did not stake the spikes up, if not it would have been more striking...





Also saw 3 plants of Dend speciosum in spike, but only 1 spike each. I guess its not a heavy flowering season this year..
Yes, a great Oncidium plant Li. The Schomburgkia has a nice coloring; as it seems, it used to be called Laelia superbiens. I have a Laelia superbiens which flowers are however somewhat different!! Jean
Thanks for the pics! That Oncidium is great - well flowered, but the plant doesn't look that good. It's one of my favorite species. I love Schomburgkias too.
Some in bloom...

Oncidium barbatum.. looks like maculatum.. I kinda like these odontoglossum-like oncs.. Pretyy different from the normal small yellow-flowered oncs.. And these seem to stand the torture by the Botanic gardens pretty well.. :p


And an early Bletilla striata..

A clump of Brassia verrucosa is in spike.. I'm (im)patiently waiting for it to bloom..:D
Haha! I just bought an $8 pot of orchids from Walmart w/ 2 spikes [which I promptly broke off during transport home on NJ Transit! :(] I couldn't remember what they were but I now know from the Bletilla striata photo, thanx!