Ro water system and rhynchostylis gigantea

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Feb 24, 2023
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Hello everyone. Two questions.
1. So I wanted to get an RO system as I have noticed that salt may be collecting at the leaf tips and killing it on my paphiopedilums. I need somthing that can be disconnected from a water source and can make the water in 30 minutes. I have no idea were to start so im not sure if this is even possible. Also I'm not wanting to spend a lot and have something that has to be large and stationary. Also if there is alternatives that would be great
2. Will semi-hydro be good for rhynchostylis gigantea. I have two and this came into my mind as they dry quite quickly. Not sure if they would like this.
In reverse order:

"The plant" does not determine whether s/h culture will work for you. Your overall growing conditions and how they affect the plant and pot are far more significant. One person's success or failure with a plant has absolutely no impact on yours. I suggest you go to the "FREE INFO" at my website and read up on it.

You can get "RO Buddie" systems on Amazon for around $50-$60 or so. I don't know what you mean when you say it must "make the water in 30 minutes". The capacity of the membrane, as well as your water pressure and temperature, determine the production rate. A standard, residential 100 gpd membrane will make 100 gallons of pure water when the incoming water at the membrane is 65 psi and 77°F. Less pressure and/or lower temperature reduces the output; higher increases it. 100 gpd is about one cup a minute, so you need to collect water and store it for later use.

I have used, built and sold RO systems for over 35 years. Before the small, portable systems were commonly available, I made my "Counter Top RO" system of similar design, but used low pressure, 50 gpd membranes that were rated at 25 psi and 77°. As a comparison, at 45 psi, 65° incoming, that system could produce about 65 gpd, while that standard 100 gpd system would only put out around 55 gpd.
Ray, as the water pressure and temperature vary the volume of RO produced, how do they affect the ions passing through? When you get a greater volume per unit time, what happens to the EC of the RO produced?
The quality of the water produced should be unaffected, as it is being pushed through a mechanical barrier with specifically-sized pores. If there is any difference, I'd bet it's imperceptible.
My understanding is that is has to do with the temperature effect on water viscosity - colder = more viscous = slower to move through the membrane.

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