problem with bud formation

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Possibly too much light. As for the leggy part, you could try putting sphagnum moss as a top dressing.
What else are you doing.

Leggy is usually more from inadequate light rather than too much. How much and how long is the plant lit up?

Potting mix?
Watering rate, and nature of irrigation water?
Feeding rate?

Lots of bright shiny leaves. Too much nitrogen without everything else??
I fertilize lightly with my phrags because they get leaf tip burn easily. I think my water is too hard. The phrags were under Catt light in 70% humidity and about 14 hours of light.
It's blooming down inside the leaves. The last one barely made it out of the crossing of the leaves. It has just the floppy little flower stem, not the longer thicker main stem. The old growths were much more compact than the new ones.
I think the first thing I'd do is check the roots. It sounds to me like the plant is weakening. If the roots are good and the media is fresh, I'd check the fertilizer and maybe increase it.

I used to water my Phrags with our well water, which was very hard. The Phrags loved the extra calcium -- the only down-side was the hard water spots on the leaves.
Interesting. The plant looks very healthy, but the growth is really high off the medium, and I usually don't expect that from the hybrids like Dick Clements. As Dot said, I would check the roots first and see what's going on there. If that's all good, then maybe it doesn't get enough light, causing the growth to be way off the medium.

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